Obeying & Trusting The Lord Almighty

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Genesis Chapter 13

v.13- But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly.

Notes: The people in Sodom were doing the things that made God angry and had no remorse what so ever. This is where Abram ((now called Abraham)) made his tent at first.

v. 18- Then Abram removed his tent, and came and dwelt in the plain of mamre which is in hebron and built there an altar unto the Lord.

Notes: I just love this story. God tested Abraham’s faith and Abraham always obeyed God. For the Lord to use you he is going to remove everything out of the way that might be a stumbling block for you whether it’s a friend,boyfriend,girlfriend etc. If Abraham told God he wanted to stay in Sodom and not move his tent he probably would’ve died just like those sinful sodomites. This is why we need to obey and trust the Lord. Since Abraham was so obedient he moved his tent and went where God guided him and worshipped the Lord. When God takes us out of those paths of sin we need to worship Him and not boast or think we are better than those lost in the world because that once used to be us. Therefore Abraham received all his blessings and all God promised him.

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