Proverbs Chapter 13

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v.3- He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life , but he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction.

Notes: Be very cautious about the things we say even jokes. Did you know that whatever you say will happen in the spirit realm and the bad spirits will act on whatever that you say..certian things you say can actually become a curse on your life…let me give you an example….if you have a migraine and you say “dang this headache will never go away” and just by saying that you put a curse on yourself now everytime you have a migraine it will linger longer than before or you might get them frequently. This is why the verse says “he that keepeth his mouth” (((meaning we must be mindful of what we say))) “keepeth his life” (((if we say good things about ourselves like I know God is going to heal me from this and that sickness or the Lord will help me pass this test he will as long as you have faith in Him no matter what….but “he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction” ((if you say negative things well negative things will happen.  Your mouth is like a key and it can open any door in your life so please remember to always say positive things about yourself and to people especially.


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