2.) Interrupting Cow

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"It doesn't look that bad," I said, picking at was was left of my hair.

"It looks terrible," Cole blurted and I punched his arm. He didn't even flinch at it.

He has gotta be made of muscle.

"You're paying for my haircut," I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"No, I'm not,'' he says.

"Yes, you are!"

"No, I'm not!"







"No!" I say, hoping to trick him. It worked.


"No, you will not pay for my haircut!" I shouted.

"Oh, yes, I will!" he shouts back, grabbing my wrist and leading me to the parking lot. I grinned as he stopped and realize what he just said.

"Dammit," he muttered. Then, he sighed and threw me a helmet. "Get on," he ordered.

"Oh my god! A motercycle! That's so cool!" I squealed after I put on my helmet. I threw my leg over the seat and put my hands on Cole's shoulders.

"Your hands go here, kitten," he says, grabbing my hands and wrapping them around his waist. I blushed when I felt his muscles and he took off.


"That. Was. Awesome!" I said,clapping my hands together in excitement.

Cole rolled his eyes but I know he was trying to fight off a smile. While he was putting away the helmets, people started to look at me weird, and I clutched my poor hair.

I noticed Cole was wearing a beanie, so I snatched it off his head and placed it on my head. Cole sighed but didn't say anything as we walked into the hair salon.

"Hello, how may I help you?" the hairstylist asks.

"Hi, I'm-"

"Can you fix this?" Cole interrupted and removed the beanie from my head.

She gasped in horror when she sees my mangled hair. "What happened?"

I put my hand over Cole's mouth before he could reply. "You don't want to know," I said.

"I can fix this," she says, leading me to the chair.


"I love it," I breathe out. I should've gotten a haircut long ago! I reached up to touch the silky locks.

When we return to the waiting room, Cole is there playing on his phone. He looks up when he sees me and I did something I couldn't resist.

I flipped my hair dramatically like how people in the movies do when they just know that they look really good.

Cole rolled his eyes but didn't say anything as he went to pay for the haircut. My jaw dropped. He should know to at least say something nice, right?

As we walk to the motorcycle, I clear my throat impatiently. Why isn't he saying something about my haircut?

"Is there something in your throat?" He asked.

"No," I muttered.

"'Okay," he shrugs and tosses me the helmet.

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