4.) Moody Dork

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Tabitha's POV

It was not Tuessay but a Wednesday. Wednesdays are the best days ever because it is. No reasoning needed other than that.

Well, it might have been because that girl from The Adams Family was named Wednesday. I don't really know and I don't wanna use my brain power on thinking about that one silly minor thing.

Anywhores, today was kind of important because I have to go practice once again for that dance competition. Our teacher signed up please who she thought would win without the person asking her to and I just happened to be one of them.

I'm not complaining because I actually wanted to sign up for it but you wouldn't believe who friggion nervous I am about it!

I could mess up, step on a rock pebble thing, or fall off the stage, or have to kill someone. Oh! Or I could even mess up so horribly that it will stay with until I die!!

You never know, these kinds of things happen to people. And my people people I mean me!

I sighed, shaking my head and continued to walk to the dance room. It was really large which made sense because they're was already ten people here already. We need that leg room.

Setting my bag on the sidelines I stretched a bit and did some random breathing exercises.

Okay so, I have this weird thing that when I'm doing something that I could easily fuck up, my hands shakes and I feel like I'm about to throw up. But it's just a feeling so I never do but my stomach wants to be a butt and trick me. It's terrible and I hate it.

It was happening right now and I squeezed my hands together to stop them from shaking so much. I take in a deep breath and walk onto the actual dance floor. I did a few spins, stretched my legs out more and stood behind some girls that were talking.

Factoid number 3 about me, I'm awkward around people I semi know but don't talk to. I know right! How could Tabitha, the maker of people laugh, be awkward around people? Don't know but I care. A lot? Like, it bugs me on a daily basis. I have a problem and it needs to be fixed.

Cole was just a heat of the moment thing. I had a lot of courage then and he was just sitting there. Thus our friendship was born.

Our teacher finally came and made up partner up. I didn't really do so well with a dance partner so I stayed behind. Again, my hands were shaking and I was too scared to ask someone if they wanted to partner up.

I rubbed my arm and leaned against the wall. The mirror was behind me and I smiled. I looked good today. I could just be my own partner. I mean, I've been alone for a while and I am my own best company.

The music started and the game would be a Step In Time where we would have to dance like how people did the the song that was playing. It was absolutely fun.

The first song was a classical one and everyone slow danced. I just swayed around, doing the waltz when miss teacher lady changed the song again.

It was a Green Day song so it was in the late 90s or so. I just let it out and went with the music. It was fun and made me want to either take over the world or just chill.

This went on for a while until we had another activity planned to help us dance better.

Cole POV

If you say that I'm worried then shut up. I totally wasn't. Why would I be worried about some girl that I just met not even a week ago?

She was annoying, loud, sassy, crazy, and well. I'm not going to say the last one because she might take it as a compliment.

Tabitha is by far the last person I could see myself with as a friend. She was my polar opposite. She could pass of as a freaking hippie!

Why did she even want me in her home? Alone might I add. I was sure that she wouldn't do anything weird from what I know how her, she doesn't like any sexual things. Which is fine with me cause she's not even that attractive.

She is a little bug that I want to flick off.

I bet that she's thinking about me more than I'm thinking about her.

( So you guys liking Coles POV? ^^ I don't think he likes Tabby tbh )

I was walking to my class that I should have been at a few minutes ago but I had overslept. I'm not even that late to it shouldn't be that bad. I swear if the teacher takes point out of my all together grade because of this I'm gonna do something.

I put my headphones in and pressed shuffle. I heard a catchy instrumental playing then automatically cursing. Yep, listening to some Pierce The Veil and the song would be King for a Day.

They are an amazing band so shut up. I got to class after a few minutes and sat down in my seat. More like desk since it does have a computer on it but whatever.

This class was for the more technology side of stuff and I wasn't all that embarrassed about it. Yes, it was for interweebs but I didn't really see anything that peeked my interest up when we had to chose and elective.

The teacher started speaking and I listened to half of what he was saying before dazing out.

This was a terrible choice. Why did I pick this? I should have just let this be a free space and do whatever but no, I just had to choose this. They don't even do anything fun in this class. At least not yet.

I groaned and turned my music up some. Fixing the earbuds and slouching on the desk. I turned the computer on and went onto random sites. We were probably supposed to be actually doing something.

Gods, please help me I'm bored and for the only time in my life wishing that Tabitha would just barge in to help me.

I'm even a dork when I talk in my head. Someone kill me please I don't want to live if I still say Gods.

Okay so, confession time. I went through a phase back in Elementary where I was really obsessed with mythology and crap like that. I can still talk about a lot of the stories but I barely remember their names.

Don't judge I was young and a dork back then.


Tabitha's POV

Yeeeeeeesssss. Class is over and I can finally rest my feet. Everyone left the dance room and I slouched as I had a small see throughish bag on my bag.

I had changed into some saggy sweatpants and a tank top. I really didn't care who saw me right now. I was far too tired to care.

I yawned into my hand and played with his hair. When is my hair going to get longer? I want my majestic unicorn hair back so that I can look awesome and majestic.

I scanned the area and saw a white hoodie with dark brown hair under. I know that jacket. I bet my good leg that it's Cole.

I ran to where the person was and grinned when I saw that it indeed was my moody friend.

"Cole!" I called out and jumped on his shoulder, spinning from his back then landed in front of him.

I definitely cought him by surprise because he almost punched me.

"Don't do that again." He simply said and continued walking.

Moody I swear.

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