6.) Beanies On Sexy People

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"But what if we could just timeskip in real life? We wouldn't have to stay for all the boring stuff in life!" I said to Cole as we were walking down the street. I had convinced him that we should hang out more and suggested that we takes stroll down the streets.

A week had passed since I last went to my dance class. Normally we were supposed to go thrice a week but I could always make it up tomorrow which was Sunday. Weekends are the best.

We were currently talking about time traveling and what not. I could tell that he was interested but didn't wanna talk. This just made me want to talk more. We didn't always have a lot of common so this was really big!

"I'm not really one for this kind of stuff but it's really interesting, don't ya think?! You could travel between time and space! You could even change history if you wanted to," I looked up at the clear sky with a big grin on my face. "Imagine that! I wouldn't ever wanna come back to Earth if I could travel. Time or land."

Cole simply nodded his head in agreement but still didn't speak. I groaned and looked around. I then saw a group of people walking on the other side of the street. Whoa snap, that one guy with that beanie looks veeeerrrry attractive.

To be fair- Anyone in a beanie looks good. And I mean really good. Guys, gals, nonbinary pals. Literally anyone. I'm sorry I'm bi leave me alone so I can love everyone from a distance.

I turned around, walking backwards as I held onto Coles hoodie so I wouldn't bump into anyone. Think of baby elephants holding onto their mothers tails.

"That guy over there on the sidelines of the group looks really attractive. I could sleep on those biceps, snap." I mumbled, putting a lot of emphasis on snap, but Cole could unfortunately hear me. I stared at the mystery man for a while longer before turning back around and continued walking along side him.

Too bad I'll never see that guy again. He was really cute. I would run my fingers through his hair all day. God, now I wanna know what his name is so I can stalk him and one day we could get married.

"Stop staring and saying creepy things." Cole said suddenly but I didn't really pay attention to him. "You were saying those things out loud. "Oh snap, I was?

"Well sorry! Not my fault that really cute people exist in this world. You can call out cute girls when you see them, Cole." I said, a sly grin on my face after. I bet he actually would. Me and Meli would do this all the time. We would just stop and point out some random cute guys and girls that passed us and would guess what our futures together would be like.

I sighed. When shall Melissa come back from the war? Where did I even find that meme from? While I was too busy internally monolouging, Cole was practically dragging me along as we walked. I wonder if me saying all of that was off putting for me. He might just be having his man period again.

I looked at him and he had the same stoic expression again. What could this guy be thinking about? Probably about some girls butt or when the next Kingdom Hearts game was coming out since it's been a very very very long time.

Cole's POV

Why would she just say that so casually? I mean, she wasn't that dumb. She should know that you can't just call some guy attractive while a guy is next to her. What made him so special?

I huffed silently and kept walking. I had no idea where but I wanted to just go somewhere. Shit, forgot she was still with me. She really is annoying just like a bug.

After a few minutes she started to ramble on again about nonsense but I really did not care. How much air can her lungs hold anyways? I saw that we were close to a park and decided to go there. Mostly because some quiet would help at the moment. Also so that Tabitha was out of my hair and with children who were her same mental age.

I was sitting down on the bench and watched things that passed by. It was calming and way better than having someone who was loud next to you all the time. I leaned my head back and listened to the birds chirp and the wind blow.

I could get used to this easily. I looked back up and saw that Tabitha was was playing freeze tag with some kids. They looked about five or so and they were all having fun. I'm guessing that the moms or nanny's were the ladies that were on the other benches.

I saw Tabitha running around and was it. The little kids were running away from her but she did eventually catch them. They froze, waited for someone to help them then started running again. I laugh to myself and waited for their game to be over.

"I can't believe that some little kids are beating you at their own kind of game!" I called out to her. She just glared at me and kept on running around chasing the little ones.

"They are a lot faster than you think so shut up!" She yelled and I laughed. This earned a few looks from the other ladies that were around and they just giggled to themselves.

So adults shouldn't giggle. That's a big no.

After about twenty or so minutes the kids finally got tired and went to their moms. Tabitha was luckily tired out as well and we were about to head out when one of the moms went to go talk to us.

"Thank you for playing with him today. He normally never wants anything to do with outside so you bringing him out of his comfort zone really helped." She said with a smile. Why did soccer moms have to make such a big deal out of everything?

Tabitha just smiled. "It was nothing. I have a sister of my own so I guess I've had practice with kids." Wait, since when did she had a sister? When I was at her place I didn't see any kids.

"My thankfulness remains the same," The lady says, putting a jacket on for her kid. "By the way, you two are an adorable couple." The woman and her child left and I was standing there while Tabitha was just laughing her ass off.

She continued to laugh until I was walking away from her. She ran up next to me, that stupid grin still on her face. I rolled my eyes at her.

"I love how people keep thinking that we're together." She says and I flushed instantly, moving my head away from her. She laughed again and bumped into my shoulder. I huffed and bumped her back.

Tabitha's POV

At least Cole is now learning to take a joke. It was funny when people did think that we were a couple but Cole didn't seem to like it all that much. Even if we were together he would probably break it off first after he got tired of me bothering him all the time.

The walk back was silent but it wasn't an awkward silence. More so a comforting one as we reflected off of the things that happened today.

I went back to my house and he went to his. Luckily, we live in the same neighborhood! I've never seen him around though. I should probably go call Meli already. Ha, I bet that she misses me already.

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