5.) Nicknames Darling, Learn It

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I had followed besides Cole because we did have the next class together. I talked his ear off and didn't pay attention to the eyes that were starting staring at us that I knew where.

That or I was being paranoid.

I looked around and there was indeed people looking at us. No idea if it was more at me or him but I still didn't like it.

I sighed. If Meli was here she would tell all of them off. Speaking of her, she hasn't even called or texted me yet. She might be doing something right now so I shouldn't bother her.

Cole seemed to notice my heavy sigh and glanced at me. He wasn't that tall. He was tall but not giant tall. I'm five something and he looks about five going on six something. Geez, how can he be that tall? We're almost out of highschool and he could already pass as and adult.

"Stop staring at me." He said and continued walking. Wow, he's a bucket full of rainbows and sunshine. I sure know how to pick 'em, don't I?

We made it to class and I sat down besides him and he groaned right after.

"Sir, I am just trying to get my education. I come to this school as well and you just happen to be right here." I said and he gave me another bitch face. Why must he be sassy? He doesn't need all that sass.

"I sat here way longer than you did.

"Stop making things up."

"You're annoying. You know that right?"

Oh boy do I. I've been called annoying on multiple occasions but you don't see my whining about it and being rude to people. Which is what I wanted to say to his stupid face. I'm too nice for that, unfortunately and it's against my code.

"Shut up, buttface." I mumbled, placing my head on the table with my arms folded.

"Will the couple in the back quite down?! You may not want to learn but others do." Called out the teacher, whom of which I forgot even came here. Why do teachers want to be teachers? This is a terrible job! They probably don't get payed often either.

Mr. McLee have us a look. Cole huffed and I just didn't care.

See, I'm such a badass. I'm such a rebel that I got quite because I wanted to and not because the teacher told me to.

"Also, Mr. Rivera please continue being friends with Ms. White if it means that she won't be as loud as she normally is in class." This caused some kids to laugh. I pursed my lips together. So my teacher also thought that I was annoying.

Cole glared at the teacher but didn't say anything. Way to be a manly man Cole. Just kill him with your eyes. That's so going to help the situation.


Class was over and we were finally free.

I grinned, putting my stuff away and waited for Cole to get up. He had fallen asleep and that was he worst mistake.

I had gotten a few text books and boy is he a heavy sleeper.

No, I didn't put all of them on his head but just put them under his arms and stuff so he looks kinda funny. Well, there is one on his back and his head but I don't think that he would mind.

I poked his side and he quickly rushed up. He groaned when he felt the books around him and looked around.

Crap. I should hide. Which is what I should have listened to but I ended up crouching behind a desk that wasn't even that far away from him. He stood up and didn't even bother to put the books away. I huffed and immediately covered my face. See, huffing is weird becuase how I do it is that the air comes out of my nose and mouth and I swore that one day it was going to get me killed.

Today was that day

I froze in place and peeked over to see Coles feet coming closer to where I was. Shit on a dick that's not clean I am going to die. Please save me a spot in Heaven because I owe someone money that is in Hell.

Cole crouches down to where I was and we stared at each other for a while.

"If this is your way of confessing your undying love to me then you won't like the answer." He said and I blinked. He stared at me still and I smiled.

I then began to laugh my ass off. Literally, I was laying down on the floor laughing as I was on my ass. This is the best thing he has ever said.

Psh, he thinks that I was going to confess my undying love to him?? This boy has no idea how I would do that but it wouldn't even be for him.

He rolled his eyes at me then stood back up. While he was perfectly fine and unharmed but what he had just said, I was on the floor like dying putt putt.

"You call me weird! You-you just thought that I was going to-!" I couldn't even finish my sentence as I was laughing too much. He sighed and crossed his arms.

When I did regain my breath I just looked at him. He looks very intimidating right now. I didn't say anything and only had a dorky smile on my face. He extended his hand out to be and I grabbed it, him helping me up and I dusted off metaphorical dust.

I let out some breath and looked at him once again. I feel like I'm in Twilight with all the staring we were doing. "You know that we're probably late for class, yeah? My teacher might be chill with me being late but you have Mrs. Bun Bun right?" I said, already heading for the door while he put the books away.

Oh look at mister goody two clean shoes. Freaking show off with doing good things all the time.

"Who is Mrs. Bun Bun?" He didn't even bother to look at me and my fabulous face in all it's glory.

"Mrs. Lee. The one who always has her hair in a bun that's the shape of a doughnut." I said as if it was obvious which it defiantly was. Her bun was wrapped so tight that you could put milk and cereal in it and nothing would spill.

He finished and shrugged. "Because I care that I'm late to class." I bet that he did. I bet with al my heart that he really does care and is very worried right now. I can feel it in my bones.

"Oh hey! Give me your phone number! I wanna text you later in case I'm being robbed or something." I took my phone out and extended my hand out so he could give me his cellular device. He reluctantly did and I put his number in.

I set his name up as 'Coal' because I'm very cleaver. We walked down the hallway and it was empty. I grabbed my math shit and headed off to class which was sadly not close to where Coles class was.

My teacher lectured me but I ignored it and sneakily texted Cole. I'm such a rebel and he might get in trouble. Yolo right?

What up coal?


Shut up, its a nickname so u best make one up for meh

whatever kitten

Why kitten?

dont question me and roll with it

We texted each other for half the class until I laughed very loudly and got my device taken away. The things I will do for Coal. Ha, puns are funny. Is that even a pun though? Don't know don't care.

I should probably pay attention to class now.

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