3.) Teddy Bear

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"Welcome to my humble home! You don't have to take a good look because you will probably be dragged here a lot of times." I say as I unlock the door and let him in. Thank god that dad isn't home today.

"Please don't say that. I don't want to be here right now anyways." He said and I waved him off.

We walked in and he squinted when I turned the lights on. I wasn't all that used to it because my dad never really wanted the lights on but I defiantly took it better than Cole did.

"Got any sunglasses?" He asked sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. If I had a dollar for each time we both rolled our eyes.

"Sure, knock yourself out." I grabbed a pair of 3-D glasses and tossed it to him.

He gave me a blank look but put the glasses on his head instead of his eyes. "I was being sarcastic."

"No snap Sherlock. You will need them for the movie though so put them on properly," I rolled my eyes. Another dollar.

He sat down on my couch, leaning back and rested his face on his hand. No better way to describe that motion. "So what movie are we watching?"

I was in the kitchen and got a bowl of grapes. "Coraline of course." I grinned.


"Core-a-line, get it right you uncultured swine." I corrected him. He was sitting with his legs stretched out on the couch. This guy is being a real butt. I grabbed the remote then sat down on his legs.

"What are you doing?" He asked as I clicked the play button.

I didn't answer him but shushed him when the movie starts. He gave out a deep sigh and leaned back into the seat, resting his head on his clenched fist.

Once we really got into the movie he started asking questions and this was the most I have ever heard him speak.

"Why does that lady have buttons for eyes?"

"Stop judging people by their eyes."

"I bet she's a the bad guy. That husband dude is a wuss.'

"Shuuuuuuuuuut uuuuuup. Enjoy the movie."

A few minutes later.

"That cat is weird."

"You just now noticed? He's been there for a while!" I said groaning. He just shrugged.

More minutes later. She said in that narrator voice from Spongebob

"Why do those olds hags have really big boobs?" He pointed out.

"Why you looking?!"

"What else do I have to look at? Oh god, they shed their skin."

"Shut up please." I had pleaded which I don't do often.

"Four out of ten would bang."


It was now the end of the movie and Cole was definitely more than weirded out by it. I loved it though so you can see how our personalities shine through.

I got up from his lap and went to go throw away the trash while Cole stayed still. I peeked from behind the wall at him. "You're not gonna get up?"

"My legs."

"What about them?"

"They fell asleep." He said blandly.

I arched a brow and went up to him. "Why might I ask?"

He gave me a bitchface and I have one right back at him.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe it's because a freaking hippo was sitting on my lap?" He said sarcastically, trying to lift his leg up but groaned afterwards.

Wow, did I really weigh that much? I pursed my lips together and crossed my arms at him. "I liked you better when you didn't talk a lot. You were much more tolerable then."

He rolled his eyes at me and then finally stood up. His legs wobbled a bit like a newborn deer. Honestly I shouldn't be making fun of him because having your legs be asleep is the worst thing ever with death just barely beating it.

"I'm off then," he announced. "See you never you oddball."

I walked him to the door and smiled at him. "You gonna be fine on your own?" He asked and I laughed, nodding and lowkey nudging him out the door.

 "I'm a big girl. I can tie my own shoes and everything. Besides, my dads probably just at work pulling and all nighter. Thank you for worrying though." I flashed him a small smile, 

He smiled slightly but quickly frowned afterwards. "I am not worried about you." And with that he left my household.

I closed the door and leaned against it. I heard something then pressed my ear against said door. "That adorable little shit is going to be the death of me."

Whoa. Wait a minute. Did he just call me...

A little shit?? I am the best kind of shit! I am not some little shit!

I am an adorable big shit thank you very much sir!!

I huffed then retreated back to my room.

Well this was an interesting experience. I should hang out with Cole more often. He actually isn't that bad once he let's his guard down and has more fun.

I changed into my sleeping clothes but stayed on my phone at least hours past midnight.

Don't judge.

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