7.) listen kiddo

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"Hey, hey Cole. Cole. Hey, Cole," I said as I repeatedly poked his side during lunch. He let out a deep, irritated sigh and tried to ignore me.

"Cole, Cole, Cole," I kept poking his side. He clenched his fist.

"Cole, Cole, Co-"

"What?" he hissed, turning to see what I wanted.

I grinned and held up the caprisun with the see-through pouch at the bottom. "Look... 'tis urine." I said, snickering as I pointed to the fruit punch flavored drink. It did took like urine but not really. Ha, urine is a funny word.

He gave me a emotionless look and went back to eating his sandwich. I leaned my head on his shoulder to watch him eat the sandwich like a creeeeep.

"Can I help you?" Cole asked sarcastically.

I just smiled and purposely slurpped my drink loudly, making an annoying smacking sound with my lips. He let out another sigh.

"So, whatcha wanna do today?" I asked,casually.

"Nothing, I wanna go home and sleep," he answered.

"Too bad. I wanna hang out again." I announced and he rolled his eyes at me.

"Don't wanna." He said and I laughed. Wow. He thought he had a say in this. Ha. Ha.

That's funny.

"What shampoo do you use?" I asked curiously as I patted his head. His hair was so freaking soft, and kinda long. I wonder if I can braid it...

He shrugged me off. "I dunno," he muttered.

I gasped." How do you not know what kind of shampoo you use?" I ask as I continue to pat his head.

"Can you not?" He swatted my hand away but I continued.

"Will you buy me a doughnut?" I asked. Cole sighed.

"If you stop, I'll buy you two doughnuts."

Holy tangerines! I get two doughnuts. Oh snap. Oh screw off, I'm a girl who has simple needs and I need a doughnut.

"Well..." I pretend to think about it. "Because you're offering. I guess I can." I take my hands out of his hair and sit down in a criss cross fashion.

He takes some money out of his pocket then hands me a twenty dollar bill. Doughnuts don't even cost this much. Eh, I'll give the rest to him afterwards.

Or I could just keep it...

"Wait," I frowned. "I don't wanna go by myself. That's awkward and anxiety is a bitch don't do this to me."

"Aww sucks for you."

After we argued for a hella long time it was time to leave from wherever we were. Honestly, I forgot but we were eating so maybe school and at lunch.

We went to class and we were unfortunately in different classes. Speaking of classes, they rhyme with glasses. You know what glasses are? They help you see. What I'm trying to say is that learned at lunch is that Cole needs glasses.

He has contacts but doesn't wear them for some reason.

How do I know this? I could say a little birde told me but birds can't talk and that would be lying and I don't lie. Except for this one time.

I convinced him to tell me a secret and I tell him one of mine. He told me that he has shatty vision and I maybe sorta kinda lied about my secret.

I don't even know and I don't even care.

Anyways, after school, I dragged Cole to the doughnut store and while inside I ended up walking around and leaving him.

It was more of a convenience store that sold the dough of nuts (I told Cole this and he just groaned it was great) so I wandered around and found myself at the drinks section.

You know the one. The whole wall of drinks stuck inside those weird ass fridge things so I walk myself to the Amazon tea side because, you know, I'm a basic Mexican gal who has her basic needs. Real talk though, I often get mixed up for being white since I'm a light skinned latina so that sucks. Good thing about it is that Donald Trump won't try and throw me over a wall.


That's nice I guess.

ANYWAYS. I get like, three or so bottles of Amazon drinks. One was the fruit punch, watermelon, and the tea. Listen up kiddos I'm going to to tell you something that will blow your mind.

This delicious things costs at least a dollar or a few cents depending on where you go. You can have a five dollar on you and buy like, four of these things because the tax is a bitch and likes to steal extra money. 

Cole ended up patting my shoulder while I was doing this low key sponsor ship and had a small bag in his hand along with a big bag of hot cheetos in the other. "Ready to go?" He asked and I nodded, trying to make sure all the bottles wouldn't fall out of my hands. HE WALKS AWAY. This fuck doesn't ever try to help. Rude.

Well, to be fair I have been kinda mean and annoying to him.

WELL. That's only because I'm trying to break him out of his shell.

WELL. That's not all too true. I'm doing that but also trying to be his friend and nothing more because I don't dig him like that. He's cute and all but I can't see myself with him.

So I follow behind him, paying for my stuff and we walk out of the store. 

What happens next is... Interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2018 ⏰

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