The Girls are Fightingg

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Pretty much what the title says.

Before you knew it, you found yourself at a cafe here in India.

Sitting between Avdol and Jotaro was the best choice for you. If you sat by Kakyoin, you would be teased even more. If you sat by either Joseph or Polnareff, it would be even worse.

Sitting between the guy who barely spoke and the mature adult gave you a sliver of peace.

Sipping on your chai tea, you listened to Avdol as he went on and on about the wonders of India. The excitement spilled out of every word he spoke, his eyes bright as he told of his adventures here.

It felt very nostalgic.

“It’s a matter of getting used to it.  Once you get used to India, " Avdol said, finishing his stories, "you’ll see how wonderful this country is.” 

Even though you didn't have the time to be a tourist, India was a place you would visit again to be one. Jotaro seemed to share the same sentiment as you.

“I like this place. It’s pretty great.”

You stopped drinking your tea for a brief moment. Even though you knew him for quite a while, you were put off guard by his comment. Joseph, as usual, didn't bother to hide his shock.

“Seriously, Jotaro!? You really mean that?” 

Nodding, Jotaro continued to sip his tea.

“It was a bit of a culture shock,” you said, “but Avdol's right– once you get used to it, it's pretty great!”

Getting up, Polnareff grabbed his bag. “Ahhh.  Talk about culture shock.   I’ll like it once I get used to it, huh?” 

Tapping the server on the shoulder, Polnareff asked where the bathroom was.

As he headed by himself to the restroom, you couldn't help but shake an uneasy feeling. Was it the tea? Were you just worried? Knowing the type of person Polnareff was, you knew that he would dive headfirst into a fight and do something stupid. You manage to mutter a message to him.

“Don't die on us in there, Polnareff.”

Looking back, he flashes you a thumbs up. 

“It's nothing to worry about! If you guys can order something classy and refined, like me, it would be appreciated!”

His form disappeared as he goes down the hallway and into the bathroom.

You had a bad feeling about this.


Soon, Joseph ordered Naan pizza for the group, made with a traditional oven-baked flatbread as the crust.

Biting into the pizza, the flavors overflowed as the sauce, cheese, and toppings came together. You sighed in content as you chewed through the bite. It reminded you of the first time you tried Ichiran Ramen with Marina. You wished this feeling could last forever.

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