Three Little Words

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Today Ella didn't bother me in Art class in fact she wasn't even here today. We were finally starting to paint stuff in art. The assignment was to paint a weird building.

The first thing that popped into my head was my house but I don't think it's weird enough. I had no idea what I should paint so for the whole class I just sat there and thought of ideas.


Class was finally over but I still hadn't thought of any ideas. Jenny was going to do her under water castle. I wished I lived underwater.

Jenny said she had to make up a quiz and quickly ran out of class. But I'm pretty sure she was doing stuff with Jake. I guess I'm walking alone.

There was nobody in the hallway that I knew so I took out the piece of paper and read the note. There were only three little words on that paper. Three littlewords. Those words kind of freaked me out.

I was so freaked out that I dropped the paper. I quickly picked it back up and shoved it into my pocket.

A hand wrapped around my waist and I looked up. It was Dan. Did Dan give me the paper?

"What was that piece of paper that you just freaked out about? A love letter to a certain someone" he asked

"No" I brushed off his very accurate comment. " So what movie are we seeing? I asked him. "It better not be a scary movie because I hate those"

"Don't worry we'll watch whatever you want to watch" he said.

" Really" I asked him. I was kind of surprised of how gentlemanly he was acting. I liked it.

He nodded back at me to clarify. I stopped walking and gave him a huge hug. At first he didn't react but then he hugged me back.

We eventually stopped hugging and we started walking again with his arm around my waist. This started to feel comfortable and I leaned my head into his chest a little more.

But then a loud cough interrupted us and we stopped walking and turned around. I think you can guess who it was.

"Hey dude" Dan yelled to Ryan.

"Hey" Ryan responded and walked over to us.

" So what's going on over here" he asked looking in between the two of us.

"We're planning to be drug dealers so we can buy a unicorn" I told him very seriously.

"Yeah Unicorns don't come cheap" Dan added.

"You know if you didn't want to tell me you didn't have to make up some ridiculous lie"

"What lie?" I responded curiously. " Cuz we've been perfectly honest this whole time".

"Yeah" Dan added

"Whatever" Ryan snorted and then walked ahead of us.

Dan and I held our laughs in as we walked the rest of the way to lunch.


"You can't sit there" Adam grunted as Ryan took the seat to my left.

"I don't see your name" Ryan retorted

"I'm pretty sure that's because you can't read more than a three letter word" Adam shot back with a smirk.

"Why don't you just shut the fu-" Ryan tried to say before I cut him off.

"Guys, guys, don't I have a say in this?" I asked

"No!" They yelled in unison. I'm starting to get the feeling that this is becoming into a I have to win even if I don't care fight.

Across the table a very confused Stephanie and Eric stared at me. I simply shrugged and then turned to my right. Dan was digging into his food while simultaneously doing his homework. I bet he didn't even notice what was happening on the left side of me.

"There is only one way to solve this problem" I told at Adam and Ryan very seriously.

"What?" Ryan asked. Adam gave me a are you serious look. He is my best friend so he should know what I'm about to say.

"Wait don't tell me it's going to be something stupid like ro-" Ryan said before I cut him off.

"Yes. You two are going to play a civilized game of rock paper scissors"

Ryan looked like he was going to say something but Adam silenced him by putting his hand in front of Ryan's face.

Ryan sighed and then turned around to face Adam.

"Rock paper scissor shoot" they said.

Adam did paper while Ryan did scissors.

Ryan's face immediately turned into a giant smirk. " I wi-"

"No. Adam wins" I told him with a straight face.

"Fitzherbert, I know you live in a tower and there's high altitude and stuff but I didn't think you'd be this stupid. You see a scissor cuts through paper" he told me in the most condescending way possible. He even used hand gestures to show me how a scissor works.

" I know" I told him honestly "I'm not stupid"

"Debatable" he grumbled under his breath.

"What was that?" I asked him questioningly

"Just explain yourself Fitzherbert"

"Okay. You see you do have a scissor and Adam does have paper. Usually Scissor cuts through paper. Usually."

"But Adam's paper is on fire and is made of titanium so he wins" I told him with a duh tone.

Ryan's jaw dropped and was about to protest but Adam shoved him out of the seat and sat down next to me.

Ryan grumbled from his place on the floor and then took a seat next to Stephanie.

Her face immediately exploded into a shade of red while Eric was sending daggers through Ryan.

" So trying out for any sports" Adam asked as he started to unwrap his sandwich.

" Yeah I was thinking of football or baseball" Ryan replied like nonchalantly.

Then the two got into a deep conversation about sports. Its like they weren't even fighting a couple minutes ago.

After Eric got over his jealous fit he joined the conversation. Dan was still doing homework and Jenny started to do hers as well.

Since everybody was in their own world I took out my phone and started to play 1010 ( it's an awesome game).



"Oh my gosh would you stop poking me" Adam yelled.

"Is it that time of the month?" I said with a huge smirk on my face. A plus about having a pale best friend is that their cheeks just explode with color even when they aren't that embarrassed.

"What do you want" Adam grumbled at me.

"Can I come to your house later and take a picture of it?" He lived in a really cool ice castle. Pun intended.

"Sorry the Easter bunny is coming to visit my dad and I'm sure their going to fight a little"

"Yeah last time I came when he was there, furniture was flying everywhere" I sighed

"Do you want to come to my house?" Stephanie asked

"Don't take this the wrong way but I don't think your house is weird enough for my art project."

"Don't worry I'm actually glad my house isn't too weird" Stephanie said with a smile. She's so nice.

"Well that leaves you with Eric, Dan, and Ryan" Stephanie said.

"Eric your cottage is adorable and not weird what so ever. Dans house is well... Actually what does your house look like Dan?" I asked.

"I live in a Victorian styled house because of my dad. Not something extraordinary" he said blatantly.

I sighed and then looked towards Ryan. He was wearing a giant smirk.

Why does he have to live in a giant fruit? Why can't I live in a giant fruit?

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