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"Um hello" I whispered into my phone. It was like 2 in the morning so I didn't want to wake anybody up. I'm probably the dumbest person to answer a unknown caller but I was too curious.

"Hi" said a familiar voice. " How did you get my number" I asked confused. "Somewhere" he said innocently. Probably Jenny, I thought. "So why did you call now" I asked really confused. " "Why not" he asked innocently again." Um I don't know maybe because it's 2 in the morning" I said probably getting a little louder." I get up this time everyday" he said kind of confused. " first of all your crazy and not everybody gets up before the sun comes out so goodnight. I mean I guess good morning to you and see you at school" I responded and then quickly ended the call.


" Bye mom" I yelled out as I got outside. Somedays I go to school with Brad and today was one of those days. He had a black Prius.

"Took you long enough" Brad complained as I got into the passengers seat. I stuck my tongue out and then turned on the radio and classic by MKTO was playing. Personally one of my favorites. So then I blasted the music.

"So, how's school" Brad asked without taking his eyes off the road. "Normal I guess" I responded sadly because the song ended. Well I guess that was a lie because of that call last night. " How's your project going" he asked as he took a sharp left turn. "Um good I guess" I responded uneasily while still thinking of our conversation yesterday. I mean if I told anybody about Mr. Snuggles it would probably ruin his social life.

Once we got to school we went our separate ways. I got to my locker a certain someone was waiting for me.

"Hey Adam" I said giving him a smile. "Hey" he replied but something looked off. "Um are you okay" I asked with concern in my voice.

"I broke up with Ella" he said without looking my in the eye. Wait what I thought. "Why?" I asked with shock." She cheated on me" he explained with an angry yet confused face. Why would Ella do that I thought. Sure Ella was basically a queen bee but she wasn't a slut or anything. I actually thought she was pretty nice well until now. But then a voice broke my thoughts.

" Adam I'm sorry please talk to me" said the voice. I turned around and saw Ella. I could tell something was off because she was dressed in a light blue sweatshirt and a pair of skinny jeans. Not that it was hideous on her or anything it's just usually she would wear a dress or just not sweats.

"I'm not talking to you" Adam said with a stern voice. I've never heard him with that kind of voice. I was actually kind of scared." But ,but I can explain" Ella begged. By then a pretty large crowd was starting to form around them.Now that I think about it who could she have cheated on Adam with.

" Come on Emily lets get to class" Adam said while taking my wrist and leading me away. I looked back one more time and Ella looked like she was going to start crying. I kind of felt bad but then again she did cheat on my best friend.

"So you want to talk about it" I asked Adam as we got around the corner. he didn't say anything. " It's okay I understand if you don't want to talk about it" I said with a understanding tone.

"It's not that I don't want to talk about it. It's just, it's just I can't believe this. I mean we've been dating for three yeas now" he exclaimed.

I remember back in 6th grade when he would always ask Jenny and I for advice on how to ask her out. I was so happy when he finally got the courage to date her.They looked so happy when they were together I just don't understand.

We walked the rest of the way in silence.

Once we got to class we both sat in out seats. But instead of having plenty of thinking time a certain pale skinned guy was sitting in his seat.

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