Like a Date?

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The rest of the day I was pretty distracted until lunch. The whole drama in the bathroom it was just too much. I was really surprised that she was a virgin. Sure we were only just freshman's but she's been with Adam for a long time.

After going through the lunch line I sat down at my regular table. Stephanie was already sitting down. She was talking to Eric the son of red riding hood. We're all pretty good friends. Yesterday they were talking with a teacher and didn't come to lunch.

"Hey guys" I said as I sat down. They both turned their heads and said "Hey" but then went right back into their deep conversation.

After a little while Jenny sat down and then our table was complete.

Even though Eric was the only guy it didn't matter he was just a good friend to me and everybody else. But I secretly thought him and Stephanie would be really cute together.

The next thing that happened really surprised me. Adam took the seat to my right. He hasn't sat with us in like 3 years.

Eric and Adam had been like best guy friends well until he started to date Ella. After that he didn't hang out with everybody but me as much. "Hey, can I sit here" he asked kind of shyly. "of course" Stephanie exclaimed. Stephanie was good friends with Adam before too. I think they liked each other a little bit in 5th grade. But we were like 10 and Adam was a wimp. So even if he liked her he wouldn't have said anything.

Lunch was amazing. It felt like everything was back to normal. Adam and Eric were in a deep conversation about sports and it just felt right with him here. Nobody questioned him on why he was here but why would they we already know why.

After lunch I went to math and sat next to Dan. " Hey Dan" I said to him as I sat down. "hey" he responded.

" So do you want to hang out on Saturday" he asked. I probably stood there for like 3 minutes just staring at him like an idiot.

" Do you mean like a date" I finally was able to ask. "Um yeah I guess" he said while scratching the crook of his neck. "What time are you picking me up" I asked him while staring at his hazel eyes. Unlike Ryan I loved Dan's eyes. Ugh why am I thinking about Ryan. " How about at 7 and we could see a movie or something" he said hopefully." That sounds great" I told him.

I wonder where this boost of confidence came from I thought to myself. Is this weird? I mean I've only thought of us as friends so far. For the rest of the day this pretty much distracted me.

As I got to the parking lot my brother stopped me. " Can I help you" I asked sarcastically. " As a matter of fact you can" he said." So you and Dan". I could feel my cheeks start to turn into tomatoes.

"How did you know" I asked. " Gossip spreads fast at school" he told me. great now everybody knows. Well it's not that I don't want people to know but I wish people wouldn't be so nosy.

"So what did you want to know" I asked him. " well personally I've always been on team Adam but hey I'm perfectly willing to be on team Dan" he sighed.

Ever since we were little Brad wanted Adam and I to date but then Adam started to date Ella. But sadly he still wanted us together even when they were dating.

You'd think an older brother would be all protective over his sweet little sister. Well Brad is pretty much the opposite. He tried to set me up with his friend when I was three. I mean seriously three. I could barely talk then.

"Since this is as awkward as it should get I'm going to go" I told him quickly and tried to run away. But then he grabbed my shoulders and said " well I don't mind if you walk home".

I can't wait till I get my license I thought to myself. So then I obediently walked towards his car.

As soon as we got home I ran straight to my room.

The first thing I did was look at my phone.

Jenny: Why was I not directly told about Dan?

Me: it just happened so fast

Jenny: Sure...

So have all your dreams been fulfilled now

Me: my dream was not to go on a date with Dan

Jenny: Yeah and my biggest dream is not to find a unicorn

Me: hey that's a legit goal

Jenny: Whatever see you tomorrow luv ya <3

Me: Luv ya too <3

I closed my phone and laid In bed


The next day I sadly had to wake up for school. I decided to wear a simple graphic tee and a pair of skinny jeans. I put my hair in a water fall braid and walked out the door.

Today I was going to ride the bus. the whole time Jenny talked about Jake so I pretty much just zoned out. But that was better than her trying to talk about Dan and I.

Once I got to school I went to my locker . Adam was already by my locker. " So Dan" he smirked as I reached my locker. "Why do I need your permission" I retorted.

"Is it your time of the month" he asked I then quickly tried to cover his mouth. " So it is" he grinned. " No it isn't" I responded slightly annoyed. Adam and I were close but not close enough for me to tell him my cycle.

"Why do you have to be so annoying" I asked. "I was just born with this gift I guess" he said. "sure" I said sarcastically.

After I got my books we both walked to class. I really want to ask about Ella but I guess nows not the time. Once I sat down Ryan came a little later.

"Do you want to work on the project on Saturday" he asked as he sat down. " Um can we do it before 7" I asked hopefully. " sure but why" he asked but then he took a slight pause. I guess he heard about my date already. " and hey don't break my best friends heart" he warned me. " don't worry I would never hurt Mr. Snuggles"i responded quickly.

But before he could say anything Mr.Grimm walked in and class began.


Once I got to English I immediately scanned the room for Stephanie. Once I saw her I walked over and sat in the desk next to her. "Hey" she said half heartedly she was busy texting someone on her phone."hey" I said back

Today was a pretty boring class. we didn't get to work on our projects and we got assigned seats. I was placed next to James. He was pretty nice. He was the son of Peter Pan. In class his creative writings were always the best.

After English I waited for Dan so we could talk some more. But I never saw him come out the door.Weird.

After giving up I started to walk to my art class. But then an arm shot out of the janitors closet and pulled me in. How cliche.

It was too dark to see who the person was but he gave me a note and then pushed me out the door and locked me out. I knew it was a guy because of the size of his hand.

I stuffed the note in my pocket and ran to Art because I was already running late.

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