The Red Motorcycle

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Before I knew it we already got to his house. Just like my mom his mom made his house like her story. Basically it was a giant apple.

" If you're allergic to apples you will probably starve in my house"he said nonchalantly before we entered the house.

I chuckled to myself. Wait he just made me laugh. Ryan White just made me laugh. Whatever I have a good sense of humor anyways.

As we walked through the house there were pictures of apples and apple furniture and an Apple TV. Not just any Apple TV It was shaped like an apple.

I was really surprised because in his moms story she almost died because of an apple. " You think this is weird. Everything is scratch and sniff too" Ryan whispered in my ear.

No way I thought to myself. I have a lot of scratching to do. After he said that I immediately went to a pillow and scratched it.

But when I smelled it, there was no aroma. "Hey" I yelled as a pillow collided with my face.

" You should've seen your face" he laughed and then just kept walking.

"Mom I'm home" Ryan yelled as he put his bag on the couch and picked up an apple." You want one" he asked.

" Um sure " I responded while catching the apple after he tossed it.

" Hi sweetie" said a voice coming down the stairs.

"Hey mom, Emily and I have a project to work on is it okay if we worked on it here?" He asked with a hopeful glisten in his eyes. Wait he didn't ask before we came. Wow I thought to myself.

" Sure but only if Mrs. Fitzherbert is okay with it" she said hesitantly.

" Oh don't worry Mrs. White I already asked my mom and she said it was fine as long as I was home by eight" I told her reassuringly.

"Well, okay have fun working on your project. I'm going to the grocery store but I should be back in about an hour and a half" she said before running back upstairs.

"Let's get to work" Ryan said as he picked up his stuff and led me upstairs. Great I bet we're going to his room. I have zero desire to walk into that son of a female dogs room. No offense to Mrs. White.

Once we got to his room I was really surprised.

His room was like any other teenage boys room. But it just happened to have about a thousand apples inside.

" Like mother like son" I loudly announced as I looked around the room.

"Um my mom decorated my room" he said while his cheeks began to redden. They were about as red as the apple pillow on his bed.

" So should we get started" I asked as I sat in his desk chair.

" Yeah" he nodded in agreement.

After many hours of researching together we finally finished part one of the project.

The point of the project was to learn every little detail about the story we were assigned to. Next week we would be interviewing the people in the stories and asking them questions. So far we were just reading books and learning the general things.

As he walked me to the door his mom came in." Oh Emily were you about to leave. Would you like to join us for dinner?" Mrs. White asked as she took off her shoes.

" Um" I say looking towards Ryan for advice. I couldn't exactly tell what he was trying to say to me but I think it was l I hope you like apples.
" My mom said it was okay if I stay over. As long as I get home by 9:00" I told Mrs. White after I got off the phone.

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