Story Tale High

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"Wake up Emily" yelled a loud voice from down the hall." I'm up I'm up" I yelled back as I got out of bed. Today was the first day at story tale high.

After I dragged myself out of bed I looked into my closet and tried to figure out what I should wear. After what felt like hours I decide to wear a white laced shirt with a light purple skirt that went a little above my knees and a black leather jacket. Today I felt like having my golden hair in a long braid. I wore my favorite gold locket that was shaped like a tower.

I rushed downstairs because I'm pretty sure I was late. I also had to climb down a bunch of stairs because my room was in a tower. Ironic huh.

"Bye mom "I yelled to her as I went through the door. I think my mom said I love you but I couldn't here her because I was in such a rush.

I almost missed the bus but I caught it just in time. As I started to walk through the aisle in the middle of the bus I noticed a certain red head. "Jenny" I screamed as I jumped into the seat next to her and gave her a hug.

Jenny was the daughter of Ariel and my bestfriend since like kindergarten. I was the girl with the crazy long hair and she was the girl with a tail.

" First of all I'm sending you my hearing aid bill. Second of all how was your summer?" she asked.

"Kind of boring. There's really no place like home. How about you?" I asked.

My Parents took us on a family trip for the whole summer so I didn't get to hang out with Jenny at all.

" Well I went to the beach with Jake almost everyday" Jenny said with a happy expression on her face.

Jake beast was the son of Belle and Jenny's boyfriend. He had a twin sister named Amy and they were one year older than us.

Once we got to school my whole body felt ecstatic for the rest of the day. I looked around for Jenny to compare schedules but she was busy having a make out session with Jake. I was contemplating if I should yell out "Get a room you nasties" but then two big hands covered my eyes

" Guess who" the person said. "I know Harry Potter. Wait no it's Kim Kardasian, right?" I guessed.

"Those were too great guesses but no" the voice said.

I turned around and gave a big hug to Adam. Adam Frost is my other best friend. I've known him one less day then I've known Jenny. He is the son of Elsa and Jack Frost. So of course he would have ice powers.

Like my mom used to have, I have healing powers that is linked to my long golden hair. But not everybody had powers. My older brother Brad had dark brown hair like my dad and didn't have any powers. He's just lame like that.

"So what do you have for first period" he asks. I look over my schedule and say " Um fairy tale history with Mr. Grimm". "Same here. Lets walk to class together" he says. I nod and follow his lead.

Nowadays Adam is more like my best friend. Well ever since Jenny started to date Jake. But I don't blame her dating somebody is a huge commitment. But Adam had a girlfriend too. Her name is Ella the daughter of Cinderella. She is like the most popular person in my grade. I on the other hand like to stay in the shadows.

But it is kind of hard to do because I am a child of one of the 12 royals. The 12 royals are the most famous princesses ,Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Belle , Jasmine, Pocahontas, Tiana, Merida, Anna, Elsa, and my mom Rapunzel. There has been so much controversy over if Mulan is a princess but so far she is still not considered one.

I became friends with Adam and Jenny because of the 12 royals. But not all of the royal children have children in our grade and most have more than one. Like Brad and Ben( son of Aurora) who are seniors.

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