The Vice-commander and The Scout CHP.7

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We shortly reached the labyrinth, and soon afterward and began to make our way to the 10th floor. Since it was peak farming hour, several other front-runner parties were fighting the mobs on the lower levels. Not wanting to draw unneeded attention, we made our way around them and the weaker mobs, eventually reaching the unmapped 10th floor at around 2 in the afternoon. Based on the structure and our current height, the floor boss would either be on the 11th or 12th floor, a rather small labyrinth in comparison to previous floors, but considering this floor had an abundance of sub-bosses, it was probably Kayabas reward for trudging through all those pain in the asses. Heading to a safe room that we found right at the beginning of the floor, we went through our inventories to make last-minute preparations.

"Ah that's right, what did you want to try out with the coating Asuna?"

"Hmm, I have no idea if it'll work, but pretty much when you put the coating directly on your sword it has no effect right?"

"Yep, it comes out pretty slowly, but on every sword I've tried so far there's been no difference. I even tried using it on a weapon with the 'Toxicity attribute, but still, no dice."

"Well, maybe instead of applying it directly, maybe you need some sort of tool to apply it properly? I don't recall from where, but I think I've read once that assassins coated their weapons with poison using special rags. So try using this."

Just what in the world was she reading that let her learn that bit of trivia? Deciding it was best not to ever hand Asuna a weapon with the toxicity attribute, she pulled from one of her pouches a fairly high-quality-looking handkerchief with a white base and red engravings around the sides. I had my store-bought handkerchief since they were useful for removing certain negative effects, but I've been holding off on making my own since I've been missing the proper materials for it.

"Ah, I see... I was starting to think I needed a special tool station to apply the coating, but maybe the simple answer is the right one, although in that case, I can just use my own handkerchief."

"Well, maybe the quality of it affects the outcome right? Might as well use the best thing we have on hand."

"True enough, I'll use it then, thanks."

Taking Asuna's handkerchief, I realized it was far higher quality than what I previously imagined, being as smooth and comfy as the bed we had back in our guild home.

"Woah... this is seriously top-notch... did Ashley make this?"

"Mhm, I had some spare materials so I had two made just in case."

"I see... well here goes."

Taking the grey metal coating out of my inventory, I took off the cap and held Asuna's handkerchief directly over it before flipping the whole thing over. To our surprise, the white handkerchief almost immediately took on the grey coloring of the coating, and about 1/3 of the bottle's contents disappeared.

"Wow... that's incredible Asuna! You figured out what even me and Argo couldn't after a few months... hope you don't mind if I pick your brain if this sort of thing happens again."

"It wasn't much really... anyway go ahead and try using it on your sword."

She seemed to be talking a bit faster and at a higher octave for some reason, but it probably wasn't a big issue. Pulling out Liz's sword that I choose to use since my other one took a bit of a beating after the guardian fight from earlier, I slowly began applying the coating. After a few moments, the grey color drained out of Asuna's handkerchief and it returned to its regular white. Meanwhile, my sword had taken on a deep luster, and although it was minor, I could tell that the edges were just a tad bit sharper than before.

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