nick suzuki - montreal canadiens

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When the pandemic started, you and nick didn't live together, but when the government put the 19h curfew you decided to move in together because you had college and sometime you would finish late and nick had games so you practically wouldn't be able to see each other so this made it easier. But every thing went online and hockey stopped so you were always home together. It was really fun, you guys were kids, you would play hide and seak, have food fight, when you guys were cooking nick would put his fingers in the dry ingredients and would draw whiskers on your face. But it's wasn't all fun and games, last night you had a big fight and weren't on speaking terms.

I grabbed some food, water, my laptop and my books for school and went in the spare room to stay the night because I didn't want to see nick or even talk to him. I had a rough night, I kept waking up each hour for absolutely no reason but when I woke up at 4 o'clock I couldn't go back to sleep, I knew I would regret not trying another time to sleep but I seriously couldn't, my class started at 7h15 o'clock so I had 3 hours to spend. I decided to go for a car ride to clear my mind a little bit, so I got dressed, put my shoes and silently grabbed my keys and left.

~{Nick's pov}~

I woke up to the sound of Milo meowing at the front door, I wonder why he was meowing, he usually sleeps on the bed with me and y/n. I guess my cat loves more y/n than me because he decided to sleep with her. I got out of bed and went to see if Milo's bowl of food was empty but it wasn't, and his water bowl too so I don't know why he's meowing at the door, I was going to ignore it but I saw the guess room's door open, and I know y/n doesn't like sleeping with the door open, when open the door more I realized that she wasn't there. I looked around the house, and saw that her shoes and keys were gone. I started to panic, it's 4h30, it's still dark, and I'm scared that something might happen to her. I tried calling her but she didn't answer, I know that she might not want to answer my calls so I texted her.

~{y/n pov}~

Nick started calling me like half-hour after I left, I didn't feel like answering him so I ignored his calls, but then my phone started blowing up with texte and my notifications were on, it started disturbing me so I pulled into a parking lot and grabbed my phone and looked at the messages before turning my phone off. I looked at the messages that nick sent me.

-Text me as soon as you see this.

-Can you please answer my calls?

-I'm worry about you.

-I want to make sure your safe.

-If you sleeping at someone else's please tell me.

-Are you okay?

-I'm really sorry about our fight, can you please come back home?

Yeah I know he's really sorry but I can't seem to let go of the words he said, i decided to texte him back and I told him that I was coming back home but I really didn't want to talk to him.

When I got home it was around 6h30 - 7h, Nick was sitting on the couch. He turned around and I could see his red puffy eyes, I couldn't stand seeing him like this, so instead of doing what I said I would, I sat down beside him and hugged him. Nick started crying in my arms and I started crying too, he kept saying that he's sorry and that he's sorry for the words he said. I couldn't stay mad at him, I know that he's telling the truth. We stayed in each other's arm's for a while.

I decided to miss my class and stay in Nick's arms, it wasn't a really important class so I didn't mind. He kept saying that he was sorry and I kept replying that it was fine now and that I forgive him.

Things were even better afterwards, we hung out more, tried new things together, went on more dates, went to fancy restaurant and he proposed to me at the bell center infront of every one, the bell center was full, and the maple leafs congratulated us, it was the best day ever, my family was there and his too.

I guess everything has an happy ending

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