Auston matthews - Toronto Maple leafs

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I was getting food and a gift for my little brother before going to see him. My brother loves hockey, especially the Toronto Maple leafs, so I went to Logo sports in Montreal to get him something related to that. I didn't know a thing about hockey, even if I always watch it with my brother when I visit him. I was staring at all of the maple leafs jersey asking myself which one to pick, I think I was staring for to long because a tall boy came behind me and said.

- You should get the Matthews jersey, number 34, he's the best goal scorer in the league.

- Thank you for the help, I'm helpless with these kinda things. I said while grabbing the jersey.

- Are you new to hockey?

- Yes and no, I'm getting this for my brother, he's the fan.

- where are you going, I can walk you there and I can explain to you things about hockey so you can understand your brother better.

- yeah I would like that.

-My name is Auston by the way. He said reaching his hand out

- Y/n, I said shaking his hand.

While we were walking, Auston told me everything we could tell before we arrive at my destination. He gave me a brief description of what's a left/right wing, a center, defenseman. Why sometimes the reff whistle without giving a penalty, all that stuff.

- this is my stop, it was nice meeting you.

-why the hospital? If you don't mind me asking.

- I was driving my brother to school when a car ran a red light and hit us, I got discharge a week ago but my brother is still in observation. So I try each day to visit him.

- I'm so sorry to hear that.

- yeah, I'll start heading in, it was nice to meet you Auston and thank you for telling me more about hockey.

- it was nice to meet you too.

With that I entered the hospital and told the front desk lady that I would be visiting him till visiting stops

We started watching the Montréal canadien game against the Vancouver canucks. But all of the sudden a bunch of guys show up in the door way of my brother room.

- Omg!! The Toronto Maple leafs! My little brother yells in excitement.

They all come in the room and joined my brother side giving him handshake and hugs. And I noticed a familiar face. I walked up to him.

- when we're you going to tell me you played for Toronto or that you even play hockey? I ask Auston.

- You never asked.

As I was talking to Auston I can feel a pair of eyes staring at me and turned around to see a very surprised expression on my brother face

- B/n (brother name) this is Auston, the guy that help me pick the jersey and walked me here.

- That's Auston Matthews, the best score goaler in the nhl y/n!!!! The jersey you got me is his.

I turned around to face Auston with a surprised face.

- you never asked me my last name. Auston said in his defense. And even if you did, it didn't mean it's was my jersey.

- yeah I probably wouldn't have known. Before i could say anything else the nurse came in and said that visiting hours are done.

- well boys let's get going. Auston said after having a talk with my brother.

- thank you for doing this Auston.

- it's my pleasure Y/n

With that they all left, leaving me and brother alone.

-hey y/n. I have something for you. My brother spoke up. And hands me a note.

~the note~

Hey y/n, I know you saw me a minute ago but I couldn't say this infront of my players, I would've been embarrassed, not for telling you this but they make fun of me when I'm soft with people so I wrote this note and gave it to your brother so it would be safely handed to you.

When you first enter the store, I couldn't get you out of my mind, something was pulling me to you, like if I was meant to meet you. So I came up to you and talk to you and walked you to the hospital, and I felt I spark between us, I don't know if you felt it. If you did, I left my phone number in the back on the note, we can maybe plan a meeting or something and get to know each other more.

From: Auston matthews

~end of the note~

I entered his phone number in my phone and send him a texte

I'm free Thursday

nhl imagine Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon