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Another day began. This time, Diavolo didn't wake up early. He was awake by 7:00, which wasn't too bad. Just meant he'll have to make Doppio his lunch while he's brushing his teeth. He went and woke up his son, and their morning routine began. Diavolo went to check the calendar and smiled. A free day. He sighed softly, feeling relieved. After a while, he took Doppio to school and went back home.

He sat on the couch with a grunt, pulling his phone out. He promised to call Kira if he was free, and he was. So he went to call him. He could feel his heartbeat pick up its speed. He shook his head slightly. Was he nervous? Why would he be nervous to call Kira?

"Hello?" Kira picked up after a few rings. "I'm free today," Diavolo answered. Kira chuckled.

"I assume so." He hummed. "and I'm free too, surprisingly." He teased.

"Then, what do we suggest we do with this freedom?" Diavolo giggled to himself.

"Whatever you want~" Kira cooed. Diavolo went red at how his voice sounded over the phone. What does he even say? He chuckled. "How about you come over?" 

"Oh? For what?" Kira grinned. That sounded a bit flirtatious of Diavolo. The devilman gulped.

"We could start with a coffee, maybe advance to something else afterwards." He told him. Kira smiled slightly. Definitely flirtatious. "Alright then, I'll come over. Give me your address."

Diavolo did just so, and Kira hung up. He'd be here in 15 minutes. He went very red. He could still feel his heart beating fast and hard like a drum within his chest. This was definitely a new feeling, that he wasn't used to. 

Diavolo got up and decided to clean around the house a bit. It was relatively clean, but he wanted to impress Kira, and also didn't want him to think he lives in a pigsty. After things were a bit tidier, he went to boil some water in the kettle. Only ten minutes passed. He was slowly calming down, although was rather apprehensive about Kira's arrival. He told himself that it'll be okay. Soon, a knock came on the door, and he could immediately feel a sense of fluster. But also some relief. 

Diavolo opened the door to see Kira, who brought over a box of chocolates. "Hey there." He told the pink-haired man. 

"Oh, hey." He smiled. "Did you have any trouble finding the place?" He asked politely and stepped aside to let Kira walk in. The blond shook his head. "Oh no, it was easy to find." He smiled back at Diavolo with a soft chuckle, as he walked inside and set the box on the table.

"Thank you for getting these." Diavolo hummed. "Well, it'd be rude if I came with empty hands, wouldn't it?" He laughed softly. The pink-haired pulled out a chair from the dinner table for Kira to sit in. "I'll make the coffee for now."

"Thank you." Kira sat down. He watched the man pull out two mugs and stop, turning back to the blond.

"Do you mind if I put on some music?" He asked with a chuckle. "Go ahead, I don't mind." The blond replied. Diavolo hummed and nodded, he went to grab his MP3 and hit 'shuffle'. George Harrison came on, and he smiled. He doesn't listen to him all that often, since there's only one song of his he really likes. Kira watched Diavolo hum along happily as he poured the water.

"Sugar? Milk?" He turned his head back to Kira. "No milk, and two spoons of sugar please." He replied. "Thank you."

"Of course." He said to him and mixed in two teaspoons of sugar to the hot coffee. Afterwards, he brewed his own coffee. To this one, he only added half a cup of hot water and mixed in three spoons of sugar, then went to grab the milk and pour it in.

He set the two mugs on the table and sat in front of him.

"Why'd you call me over, Diavolo?" Kira asked, sipping on his coffee. Diavolo raised a brow.

"Well, I have an empty hut, why not call somebody over for company?" The devilman explained.

Kira's eyes raised from the coffee while he held it to his lips, staring at Diavolo's light brown eyes.

"'Company?'" He asked. Then, Kira pulled the mug away and set it down. "But why do you want me as your 'company'?" He smirked. "I assumed you don't like me after yesterday."

Diavolo felt a mean shiver run down his spine. He looked so confident with that smirk on.
"Why would you assume that?"

"Oh, you know. I made you run errands all day and then kissed you. And then I ran away. It'd only be smart to assume you don't like me."

He pulled closer to him and got a better look at his face. Very symmetrical. A pretty face.

"The opposite."

He whispered. Kira raised a brow and smirked.

"Oh, really? You like running around and doing errands for men who kiss you without asking?" He taunted.

"Well- no-- but," he scratched the back of his neck. How does he phrase it?

"But what?" Kira asked.

"I had fun too."

Kira smiled, "You did?" He asked. "Hmm. Prove it."


He turned his face to the side slightly.
"You know how."

A kiss? Diavolo's heartbeat went even faster. Kira wanted him to kiss his cheek?

"Alright." He whispered and leaned in, leaving a small peck of his cheek. When he pulled away, he could see a stain of his crimson lipstick on Kira's perfect skin. Oh.

Kira wore the stain with pride, smirking. "Good. You proved it." He chuckled.

"Wasn't that easy?"

"It was."

Did he really just... Kiss him? His heart was going haywire in his chest. Wow. Kira could see that he was apprehensive, so leaned up closer to him, putting his hand to Diavolo's chest. He went redder, and his heartbeat was beyond erratic.

"I'm glad you had fun." Kira smiled. "Do you want to keep in touch, bub?"

Bub. Diavolo felt a smile spread on his lips. He nodded and gently held Kira's wrist. Keep in touch. The blond didn't try to tug his hand away; he kept it on Diavolo's chest. 


"I want another kiss," Diavolo admitted quietly. 

"You do?" Kira replied, just as quietly, and grinned. "Come here."

Diavolo expected a kiss on the cheek. He leaned down to him, eyeing the man carefully. He let Kira grab his chin and pull his face closer, slamming his lips onto his own. Oh-- Diavolo didn't think he'd do that! He eventually relaxed into the kiss and closed his eyes. At that moment, Kira pulled away with a soft laugh.

"Still straight?" He asked. Diavolo went bright red. To be honest? He didn't know anymore. Kira laughed. He hated to assume, but he thought he knew the answer.

"... I don't know," Diavolo told him. Kira hummed. "Want to try again and see?" Diavolo looked akin to a tomato with how hard he blushed. And still, he nodded. 

This time, Kira was the one who leaned in and kissed him. 

Diavolo happily kissed back and decided to gently hold his shoulders. He was trying to balance himself. Kira went to put his hands on Diavolo's and hold him in place as he kissed back. Diavolo pulled away.

"We're friends now, hmm?" He asked with a smile. Friends? Kira laughed. "If that's what you want to call it."

"Uh, sure." He mumbled.

For a few more hours, the two experimented with kisses, still calling themselves 'friends'.

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