Sweet Thing, Sweet Thing

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Ever since the duo's small experiments, the blond struggled to focus. It was almost like an earworm - he couldn't stop thinking about the pink Devilman, Diavolo.

Diavolo, Diavolo, Diavolo.

Kira felt like he could still feel Diavolo's lips spare a moment on his skin. He still thought about Diavolo's skilful makeup and the feeling of his chest. Oh, Diavolo...

Kira Yoshikage had the privilege of drowning in thoughts of the other man, the worst he'd receive was a snarly comment from his employer. Diavolo could not afford such a privilege.

"You fucked up again!!" Diavolo's boss screamed as he threw him on the ground, making him eat dirt. It made the man the two were doing the mission with stumble. Uh.. should he stop this?

Diavolo didn't answer and just glared towards the ground. He's just the man who pays him. Just an obstacle that he'll overcome. Nothing more.

The next afternoon, Diavolo put some bandages on his busted face and went to pick up his son. Doppio proudly showed off his 100% score on his Maths exam, it was a reason for celebration!!

"A clean 100!" The devilman smiled at him and rubbed the top of his head. "That is amazing, Doppi."

The little boy giggled and held onto his father's hand. "I did well, right? Does that mean we can go to the candy store?" His eyes shone like stars. How could Diavolo say no to those eyes? "Of course, sunshine." He chuckled.

The two walked down the main street to get to the big candy shop that Doppio adored. It was big and rarely ever crowded, not counting the holidays. Doppio had walked ahead of his father by a bit, so when he saw the entrance to the familiar shop, he ran in!!

"Doppi!! Wait for me-" his father said hurriedly and ran after him, entering the store right behind him. He panted as the boy went around the shop with a giggle, thinking of what to get. Diavolo took a deep breath and regained his breathing rhythm when he heard a deep chuckle.

A familiar chuckle.

"The difficult life of a dad, huh?" It was the charismatic blond, Kira...

"Oh... well, I guess so. But I couldn't live any other way." The pink man smiled as he saw his son grab a plastic bag to put candy in, seems that he's made his choice!

"Hey kiddo, come to me when you're done, kay?" He called out. "Kay dad!" He answered back. Kira chuckled.

"What a cute kid." He hummed and eyed back at Diavolo with his green eyes. Diavolo felt relief in his heart. He didn't know how Kira would react to the fact that he's a father.

"What are you doing here?" Diavolo asked innocuously. He watched as Kira showed off the single piece of candy in his hand. "Just getting myself a sweet thing." He claimed.

Doppio watched the two quietly and was suddenly confused. He courageously put his candy bag aside and ran up to the strange blond man and kicked the back of his leg.

"Huh-" Kira made a sound and looked at the source of the kick, the little boy that continued to kick him.

"Get away from my papa! Papa said not to talk to strangers!" He yelled at the blond man.

For a moment, Diavolo was struck by confusion. Didn’t Doppi see them kiss in the park? What?? Then he snapped back.

"Hey hey hey kid!" He bent down to his height and gently got the boy to stop. "We don't hit people, and it's okay, he's not a stranger." He told the boy.

The boy looked up at the blond man, almost studying his expression.

"No." He told his dad. "I don't know him, he's a stranger." The boys' lips shifted into a pout. Diavolo was about to continue, but he felt Kira's hand on his back.

"Then, how about we meet? You can't make strangers into friends if you don't try." He said with a warm tone. "My name is Kira. What's your name, little boy?" He let out his right hand for a handshake.

The boy looked the older man in the eyes, still with a pout, and just thought for a moment.

"Poopy." He said and blew a raspberry.

Diavolo sighed slightly. Doppio was very headstrong and stubborn. Sometimes, it was some of his best qualities, but other times... yeah...

"That's fine. We'll take it slow." The lilac-clad man replied, still with the same warmth and compassion.

It seemed that the man's warmth came into Diavolo's heart. He felt absolutely fuzzy inside. Kira was being very friendly to his stubborn son. It made him happy that he'd attempt to befriend him.

Maybe, if Doppi ever warms up to him, maybe he'd accept the man as his father...

Woah, what?? Why's he thinking about this?? Ugh!! These stupid feelings!!

"Fine." He heard his son say as he waddled back to where he left the bag. The two adults stood up as the blond looked at Diavolo with a small laugh. He gave him a small nod, which made his pink eyebrow raise in confusion.

He felt Kira's soft hand go up to his shoulder and give him a soft pat. He was still confused, but now flustered, too...

His son came up to him and began to tug him to the counter. He hurriedly gave Kira an apologetic look as he went with his son to the counter to pay. He glanced back to the man who gave him a 'call me' gesture with his hand as he continued on his searching while the pink father and son walked out, with the younger boy already beginning to dig into his candy.

"Doppi, do you really not like Kira?" Diavolo asked, without judgement. That was how things went with them, zero judgement no matter what. Doppio shrugged.

"I don't know." He began and stopped for a moment to chew. "He looks like David Bowie."

Diavolo chuckled. "He really does, yeah..." He replied softly. Soon enough, they were at home. Things went as normal, Doppio did his homework at the kitchen table while Diavolo cooked him something to eat with music playing in the background. He knew that the boy ate a lot of candy, so he might not want to eat at the moment, but no worries. It'll be there for him in case he wanted it later.

As he worked, his background music was interrupted by the sound of a notification. He went to see who it was and went slightly red, then slightly worried.

'Hi devil. Is everything okay? I noticed you had a bandaid on the side of your face.'

He took a small sigh into his lungs. He didn't want to explain it, honestly...

'Thank you, but don't worry. Just an accident at work.' He answered and bit his lip. Kira called him cute nicknames, but Diavolo is still yet to come up with any.


Kira went offline. Diavolo scurried to think of something to reply with but came empty-handed. Kira sounded mad... why?? He sighed and palmed his face in self-disappointment. Well, he might be able to explain it to him next time they meet. For now, he went to help his son, who'd called for him to help him with his homework.

Meanwhile, Kira put his phone aside and stared at nothing with rage flaming in his heart. So Diavolo got hurt because of something... related to his job?

He will have to find out what or who it is...


And get rid of it.

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