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Raven knocked the side of the guards head and he slumped back blood gushing from where her sword had struck him. She unclipped the security pass which sat neatly on his leg unaffected by the blood. She slid the Katana into one of the pair of crossed scabbards on her back and glanced across the lobby at the elevators, Breaking into a run as she heard the soft chime indicating the arrival of the carriage. When she was just ten meters away the door began to open to reveal four guards in tactical armour all carrying assault rifles. Raven accelerated and leaped into the carriage, hitting the first two guards at full speed. The door slid closed again just a few seconds later silencing the guards screams.

"shes here!" James screeched into his phone. "calm down", the voice on the other end urged. "who's there?". 

"raven" James said more quietly "hydras assassin"

"i see" the voice replied. "then i fear there is little we can do to help you". "what?" James practically yelled in disbelief. "you promised me no one would know of the work i did for you. You swore that the Disciples would protect me!"

"goodbye Mr Elliot.". The voice spoke calmly and the line went dead. James cursed and threw the phone across the room. He ran to the desk pulled open a drawer digging through its contents until he retrieved a large automatic pistol. Suddenly from the room next door he heard startled cries, A short burst of gunfire and then nothing. He levelled the pistol at the double doors leading into his office and took a long deep breath, trying in vain to slowthe beat of his heart. It felt as if it was about to hammer its way out of his chest. T he dorr swung open and his head of security slowly walked into the room, his hands raised. Raven stood directly behind the terrified-looking man, one of her swords pressed against his neck

"drop the gun or he dies" Raven said calmly. "I dont thinks so", James replied, and squeezed the trigger. Raven dived to one side the bullet struck the guard in the chest, passing through him and buzzing through the air where she had been standing a split second before. The guard dropped to his knees, a look startled betrayal on his face, before tipping forward and hitting the floor face first.

Raven leapt up, raised one arm and fired the grappler unit mounted on her wrist as James swung the smoking muzzle of the gun towards her. The silver bolt shot from the grappler, trailing mono-filament cable,and struck James gun hand, making him howl in pain. Raven yanked on the line as James fingers reflexively tightened on the trigger. The shot went wild, shattering the floor-to-ceiling windows on the other side of the room as the gun fell from his hand. Raven closed the distance between them in a few quick strides and kicked the gun away across the floor as James threw a desperate, clumsy punch at her. She caught the fist and twisted the fist backwards and howled in pain. She pulled the  katana out of its sheath and placed it on the terrified mans neck 

"your coming with me" she said and hit the katana on the back of the mans head.

"raven to base" she said pressing the comm on her ear "I've got the target put the extraction team in motion over".....

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