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troops from the armed forces, their uniforms bearing a

A strange logo of an angel holding a sword

that she had never seen before. They all had their weapons training.

on her. She looked down through the

She noticed glass beneath her and Madame H moving slowly.

She shook her head.

"Go," she said, though Raven only saw her

And, against all odds,

She was screaming at her to ignore her.

That she was right

Put your hands on your head and stay on

your knees, 'a voice commanded over a speaker mounted on the nearest

Alternatively, we will

open fire. '

Raven turned slowly to face the helicopter.

She raised her hands, then in a lightning

She threw a smoke grenade in one motion.

That she had

palmed a few moments ago into the

helicopter. Smoke instantly filled the cabin.

Raven dashed forward a few feet.

At the edge of the capsule

roof and leaped. She just caught the landing.

The blinded pilot washed away the helicopter's skid.

sent it spiralling down towards the river.

She started to

She knew that if she could just haul herself up,

Just get into the cabin and she might be able to

fight her way to the controls. Suddenly,

What felt like a

A giant fist punched her in the back and she

She lost her grip, falling like a rag doll towards

From the icy water below There was a small

splash as she hit

on the surface, and then nothing. "Good shot, unit four," the bald man said.

He stood there calmly watching the woman's limp.

form hit the water. " Have the river ready.

dragged. I want to see the body. '

He allowed himself a small, crooked smile.

as the special forces team rappelled down.

One of the helicopters on the way to

The structure's roof

gondola. Their mission was accomplished.

They had their prize.

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