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tony watched the footage countless times and was astonished by what he saw.

his daughter. his lily.

No one other than her fought with 2 blades but never had she misused them other than today.

"fury we buried her i thought she died" tony said tears filling his eyes. 

"well stark shes capturing the board god knows what shes doing to them" fury said banging the pile of papers in his hand mercilessly on the desk in-front of him. "we have to take action now ive ordered......"

The room went pitch black the only source of light was the window on the far side of the room several seconds later the backup lights turned on the room flashed with red.

"hello avengers"  raven said, her swords drawn,their silver edges filled with blood. Natasha ripped her stun gun from its hostler and raised it at her niece , but she was too slow. Raven stepped up to her, her blade flashing in the air in a blur, slicing the weapon in half even as Natasha's finger tightened uselessly on the trigger. Raven drove her elbow hard into Natasha's chest, sending her flying backwards and crashing into one of the large metal server cases against the wall. Steve moved like lightening, his foot lashing-out and striking raven in the wrist, one of her swords clattering away across the laminate floor. Raven spun around and swung a killing blow at Steve's neck, but he moved too quickly for her,ducking out of the way of the flashing blade and driving towards her. He slammed into her wrapping his arms around her waist,and driving her into the wall behind with all his super-strength with a bone-crunching impact. Raven slammed the hilt of her sword down on the back of Steve's neck and he collapsed on the floor. She raised her sword as Steve tried to get back to on to his feet,still stunned from the force of the blow,but the bullet from her fathers gun sent splinters from the concrete wall next to her head.

"Put the swords down Liliana" her father beckoned her, his pistol aimed at her head

"you wont shoot me, Father, Raven said, taking a single step towards him

tony pulled the the trigger. Raven felt the bullet leave a crease in her temple as she twisted and spun towards him. But she stopped mid-way as a voice crackled through her comms

"raven mission completed get back to the the jet" the man said

Raven looked emotionless at her father and pulled a single grenade out of the pouch on her belt. The room filled with white smoke and tony watched as his daughter jump out of the window...

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