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"My little Raven, you've done it" the madame H said stroking her cheek

"My little Raven, you've done it" the madame H said stroking her cheek

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(ravens outfit)

"now go and finish off this man leave no traces behind" madame H said handing a file to raven. Raven opened it and scanned the file. "shouldn't be a problem for me" raven said slamming the file shut she walked out of the room several hydra agents following closely behind.

The S.H.I.E.L.D council member watched as the jet de-cloaked and touched down in his private landing bay. He wasn't expecting anybody today. The rear hatch opened and Raven walked down the loading ramp drawing her swords from the sheaths on her back. Henry approached her his gun drawn. His four men he had with him all surrounded her aiming their guns at her head. "your surrounded drop the swords and surrender. And dont be a fool you have 5 guns pointing at you and even if by some miracle you were able to take me and my men down you're still only one child. What chance do you stand alone" Henry said a look of triumph made its way on his face. "who said i was alone" raven replied with a nasty smile. All around Henry's men the air started to shimmer as twenty soldiers in full hydra tactical armour materialised out of thin air, their weapons raised. The four men dropped their weapons and slowly lifted their hands in the air. Henry looked around his mouth agape. "what are you going to do to me surely, you wont kill me. Raven leaned closer and whispered in his ear."i believe your time on living in this world is over its time for you to accept death. The helpless man gasped in pain breathing his last breath as Raven plunged her katana in his heart he dropped dead on the floor. 


Tony looked out of the window, his arms crossed, thinking about what state his daughter is in. The fact that she hadn't died made him extremely happy but he wasn't quite sure what had gotten into her. Not everyday someone turns up dead and wants to assassinate the entire S.H.I.E.L.D council. The only conclusion he had drawn from all this was that she was somehow being controlled but the more he thought about it the fewer answers he had and more and more questions were piling up.

His phone vibrated in his pocket snapping him out of his thoughts. "Tony, come down to the lab Bruce has found something" Steve said.....

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