Chapter 1:How It All Started.

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Quan's POV

"Happy birthday, Quan!" Sarah shouted above the voices of the people who were already singing me a birthday song.

After the singing, father came up to me with a wrapped box present in his hands, "Happy birthday, princess." he said before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

He chuckled as i tightly held the box closer to my chest. " You know... Quan was born four years after Sarah and I'd never been that stressed about being a father. Second times are hard. Harder than the first actually... I don't know if I was getting too comfortable since Sarah was already grown but on this day... Seventeen years ago, I thought to myself 'Shit... Here we go again'... "

His laughter filled my ears and when I looked at him, i saw his smile shining bright as ever, his wrinkled brown skin still had a glow to it and his eyes were beaming with happiness.

Him and Sarah were everything I had after mother died. They were my whole world...

"Quan, you have to get dressed. The service starts in twenty minutes." Sarah said as she tied her black braids up in a neat updo.

I just stared at her with no expression and and no words to say whatsoever. How is she so cool with this?

Sarah sighed before brushing my hair through with a comb," Quan, I get it... You're sad father is gone but I'm sure there's nothing he would've wanted more than for you to pay your last respects at his funeral."

"Fine... I'll get dressed." I said realizing the pain Sarah had in her eyes... She was just acting tough for my sake. Plus... She was right. I had to be there for my father. "Finish up before I change my mind."

She chuckled, "I'm already done, miss Impatient." she tied up my hair before I heard her sniffle . "I'll see you outside... Be fast." she said without looking at me then quickly left.

I picked up the black, laced back dress before taking a long sigh. He's really gone, isn't he? I thought to myself.

After the longest funeral service I'd been to... I thought I would finally get some rest but to my demise the elders came by the house. Couldn't they wait a day or two?

" There's no ignoring the fact that we can't have Sarah as the leader of our Wiccan." elder Richard said as he played around with a dark blue marble. "Don't get me wrong or anything... Sarah is of our blood. But... Has no magic. We can't have a weak coven leader. No offense."

Sarah kissed her teeth, "None taken."


"But... The coven can't go without a leader for three years and we can't put Quan up in that position... She's 17 years old." elder David said.

It was weird how they were just talking about me as though I was not around

"It's only fair to pick one of the elders..." elder Richard was cut off before he even got to finish that ridiculous suggestion.

"Ohhw... And who would you like to lead our people?" lady Lauren finally spoke in a calm tone. She had a certain aura to her being that I liked. She looked intimidating with her green eyes, brown long hair that was always up in a neat tie. She was tall, a little curvy and had the best personality.


Lady Lauren cut off elder Richard again, "Let me take a wild guess and say you think you'd be the coven leader? Richard, it's not going to happen... It's Quan's position to fill and even if you don't like it... Just pretend you do."

" Sarah can step in for me... "I suddenly spoke up and the room went dead quiet," I mean... it is just for 3 years."

In the midst of all the silent anticipation to what I had to say, i saw a small smirk pasted on lady Lauren's lips.

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