Chapter 3 : Town Square

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Quan's POV

Me and Sarah were excited for the whole faction gathering thing.

Lady Lauren as the elder of our faction helped us with everything. Her experience with those kinds of things was put to very good use.

"I always wondered why father never took me to these gatherings." Sarah said as she put her braids into a neat ponytail.

"These gatherings are just pretense. The factions aren't at peace with each other... We just don't have enough courage to tell the other faction that we don't trust them. So, we use these gatherings to keep up appearances and to prevent the other faction from thinking that we are up to some kind of suspicious activity." Lady Lauren said as she flipped over the pages of father's gremore(spell book)." It would be easy for a war between two factions to break loose at gatherings... Pretty sure that's why Mark... Your father, wanted to keep you away from those."

"But here we are..." I said as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. At least Sarah didn't tie up my corset too tightly unlike the other days. I was wearing a black dress with laced sleeves and I looked pretty good but not nearly as good as Sarah. She had the greatest resemblance of mother compared to me. Her broad eyebrows, long lashes, clear brown skin that was a bit darker than mine and thick pink lips that looked perfect on her. I, on the other hand was light skinned, my lips weren't thick, my skin wasn't clear on most days and had big brown eyes.

Sarah turned to face me before she smiled, "See? I knew this dress would look perfect on your curves!" she complimented as she gave me a big smile.

I was feeling a bit excited to be attending the gathering although it would be filled with creatures who were ready for faction war at any time. A part of me was also excited to see Alpha Jackson... Something about the way that he looked at me at the leadership summit made me...

What the hell was I saying? Alpha Jackson was a lot older than me and...

"Quan, we have to get going." Lady Lauren said disturbing my foolish thoughts.

The Town Square was filled with creatures who were all dressed up. The gathering was held at the townhall... It wasn't really a hall just a huge space made to accommodate the factions. There was food, drinks and conversation all around... At least where the party was.

We, as the leaders were on the balcony... Having a party of our own, I guessed.

"How is your first gathering ceremony?" I was pulled out of my thoughts by a deep voice. I turned around to find Alpha Jackson with a glass in his hand as he took a few steps closer to me.

"Alpha Jackson...?"

He chuckled,"It's... Jackson. Just call me Jackson."

I nodded as I turned around to watch the party over the balcony. He stood next to me quietly as he took small sips of his drink. I felt a hand tuck braids that had fallen over my face behind my ear. That sent chills throughout my body and I brought my eyes up to his blue ones.

"Don't you think you're too young to be a faction leader?"

"Don't you think you're old to be flirting with teenagers?" I retaliated politely.

"I do,actually... But I have my reasons for approaching you even if it seems inappropriate."

"I didn't say it was inappropriate..."

He interrupted, "... So, you like it?"

I felt a blush rush up my face but i wasn't going to let it show... "Not what I said..."

"Then... What are you saying?" he said slowly leaning forward and closer to my face. His tall figure towering over me. I on the other hand had my heart banging against my chest.

His black long hair was tied only halfway and was hanging freely at the back of his head, two bangs fell over his face as he leaned more closer. His blue eyes intensely watching my every move. His lips were a light shade of pink and his jaw was charmingly defined and skin glowing under the moonlighting.

"May I?" he asked without moving an inch away from my face.


What did he expect me to say? No?... Yes? If I say no then he won't kiss me... If i say yes, I'd seem desperate.

I was a socially pathetic ... A single, socially pathetic, almost adult...who by the way still hasn't had her first kiss. Of course, I wanted him to kiss me!

Before I could even give him an answer, I felt his warm lips touch mine and I froze. My eyes instantly closed when I felt his lips move slowly over mine... Is my first kiss really going to be this embarrassing?

I slowly followed his own movements and when I was just enjoying the kiss... My glass slipped out of my hand and the sound of it shattering to pieces disturbed the moment.

"Get a room next time, will you..." Queen Valerie said as she stood next to us to watch the party over the balcony as well and another guy came out to the balcony behind her. Same eyes as King Onyx but something looked different and his broad brown eyebrows looked thinner and slightly darker in color . Even though I had never seen him without a mask but i was sure he didn't look like a man in his mid forties with a haircut from the 8th century.

"Onyx, you finally got here... I was already convinced that you wouldn't come." Jackson said as he took a step back, away from me since he was still standing very close to me.

King Onyx simply sniffed as he walked past me, "I have my reasons for being late, Jackson." he said before refilling his glass with some ale. Then disappearing into one of the many doors that led back inside the huge building.

"He looks really different from when he has a mask on." I whispered to myself.

Queen Valerie chuckled, "I forgot that you're new... Onyx is a shape-shifting demon and he never shows his face in public. So, no... That's not his true appearance."

I turned to face Queen Valerie, "Have you seen his face?"

"I'm not sure... Considering, I've seen him with many faces before, I don't even bother knowing his real one anymore." she said.

"Have you?" I asked as I looked at Jackson and he gulped his drink in one go.

He shook his head before his eyes dropped to mine and I remembered the kiss we shared a couple of minutes ago.

"Excuse me..." I said as I left the others back on the balcony.

I didn't actually need the bathroom but I just wanted to get away from Jackson's stare. On my way downstairs, i met with King Onyx. He stood by the hallway with a glass in his hand. I stopped and looked at him.

"What?" he spat without even looking at me.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He scoffed, "Why do you ask?"

"Maybe, I'm asking because you're just sitting alone here... Seems pretty sad."

"And you think a witch can make me feel any better?"

What an ass!

I scoffed, "I don't have to make you feel better... I'm just here to listen."

"Why don't you devote that time and energy to your magic to avoid having panic attacks in the forest. Or start a counseling session with your sister... I'm pretty sure she needs petty talks more than a king like myself does." he said calmly as he walked away from me.

" You're jerk... You do know that, right?"

" I live for it, sweetheart!" he said as he disappeared further away from me.

Did he have to be that rude?

Chapter 4:To Be Fully Grown.

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