Part 38

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Roc's House

Roc: Jamie I don't know. She didn't say.

Jamie: (looks at Devon)

Devon: (walking back and forth outside)

Cj: mom can I go outside with brother?

Jamie: Brother wants to be alone baby.

You pull up

Devon: (looks at you and stop walking)

Your POV: 😞

Devon: (gets in the car)

You: (wave to Roc and Jamie)

Next Day

You: (sitting in your office)

Devon: So he made me come home just to not spend time with me?

You: Dev.

Devon: I'm just saying. At least roc wanted me around.

You: okay Devon that's enough. Your dad is just busy.

Devon: (puts on his headphones)

You: (sigh and shake your head)

Your door opens

You: (look up) oh hey Chlo.

Chloe: (walks in) hey mom. Devon you ready?

Devon: (looking at his phone)

Chloe: mom if he's mad I'm not about to deal with him.

You: Chloe. Please I'm already running behind. (Gets up and take the headphones off his ears). You're going home with Chloe.

Chloe: Let's go baby bro.

Devon: (gets up and walk out)

Chloe: (looks at you)

You: call me if you need anything

Chloe: alright...(walks out)


Chloe: (walking down the hall)

Devon: (walking in front of here)

Chloe: (sees Arjay walking in and look down at her phone)

Arjay: (signs in)

Devon; (stops at the door and look back) Chloe where'd you park?

Chloe: (walking to the door)

Arjay: (looks back) Chloe.

Chloe: (stops and turns around)

Arjay: I've been calling you, texting.

Chloe: I know I'm sorry I've just been..busy (look away)

Arjay: Can we meet later?

Chloe: Uhh. I have my brother today so I don't know.

Arjay: just for a few minutes. Chloe I'm sorry for running off like that.

Chloe: You...(looks at  Devon then back at her) I'll call you later.

Arjay: (looking confused)

Chloe: I got to go.  (Opens the door)

Devon: (walks out the door)

Chloe: (follows)

Arjay: (stares at them for a while then walks down the hall) 


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