Part 50

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Next Morning

You: (doing your hair)

Devon: (walks in your room and lays on the bed)

You: hey baby what's up?

Devon: Do you think dad can be so sad and hurt himself?

You: baby...(turn around)

Devon: (looking at you)

You: your dad is not sad, okay?

Devon: (nods) Can I go over his house today?

You: of course. (pick up your phone and call Ray)

1 hour later

You: (standing on the front porch) I think he's kinda confused about what happened to Arjay.

Ray: why did y'all tell him?

You: Ray he's 11. He hears everything and asks question.

Ray: (looks back at the car at him)

You: just reassure him that you're fine.

Ray: oh you know I'm good.

You: (looking at him) Are you?

Ray: (looking at you) Yeah. You?

You: (exhales) I will be.

Ray: I see you got new security.

You: (shrugs) it was time.

Roc: (pulling up the lot)

You see him then try to rush Ray.

You: alright. Well just call me if you need anything. If he wants to come to the show tomorrow it's at 3 at the Marriott.

Ray: got it. (Turns around ro leave) ohh hey hey hey.

You: Ray.

Ray: I'm not going to say anything to him)

Chres: (gets out the car)

Devon: (jumps out) Roc! (Runs over and hugs him)

Chres: (laughing) sup man.

Devon: I'm going over my dads.

Chres: oh for real? Have fun. (Looks at the porch and sees you and Ray)

Ray is walking away.

Chres: (walks past him)

Ray: (chuckles a little bit and shakes his head)

You: Chres what are yo doing here

Chres: (watched Ray leave)

You: (turn Chres back around) Chres..

Chres; (looks at you)

You: The girls are here.

Chres: I know I'm just checking in on y'all.

You: (motions him to come in) they're both upstairs.

Chres: (looking at you)  you good? (Closes the door behind him)

You: (nod then walk over to him)

Chres: (gets something out of your hair) that's good. (Rubs the side of your face)

You: (move his hand and kiss it softly) I have to finish straightening up.

Chres: (chuckles and walk to the stairs)

You: (smile then walk away)

Your POV: God I can't wait!!!

Chres: (watches you leave then go upstairs)

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