Part 11

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Next Morning

You: (cleaning)

Zoey: (walks downstairs)

You: well look at you. A long sleeve shirt in summer. (Fake gasp) And a knee high skirt.

Zoey: well daddy's coming. We have to look classy.

kB: It reminds me of when you were in elementary.

Zoey: (laughs)

You: (look at KB then back at Zoey) if you're trying to hide your tattoo. Your dad already knows about it. Go change before you faint.

Zoey: you told dad? Why?

You: he was gonna find out anyway. Besides I'm not hiding anything about his kids from him.

Chloe: and that's exactly why kids don't tell parents anything.

Zoey: (gets up and walk away)

You: (look at Chloe) no that's why parents know what's going on with their kids. (Raise your eyebrows)

Chloe: (looks back at her laptop )

Later that Morning

Chloe: dad is pulling up. (Running down the stairs to the door)

Zoey: Chloe you've been away for only a couple of weeks. Are you serious? (Gets up and walk to the main hall door) let me see him first.

Chloe: (flips her off)

Devon: Mooom Chloe is cursing.

Chloe: Dev.

You: Chloe! (Walks in the living room)

Chloe: I didn't say anything.

Zoey: (opens the door)

CJ: (looks at the door) Chloe!!!(runs up to Zoey and hug her)

Zoey: (laughs)

Roc: (looks up and smile)

Chloe: (Walks on the porch)

CJ: (looks at Chloe the back up)

Chloe: confused huh?

Zoey: I'm Zoey. We've only talked on FaceTime. But I'm happy I finally get to meet you. You give the best hugs.

CJ: (blushes) you look just alike.

Roc: (walks up) not really. Once you start hanging around both of them you'll notice that Chloe has a bigger head..

Chloe: (rolls her eyes) hey dad

Roc: (hugs her)

Zoey: Hey dad

Roc: (looks at her) if it isn't miss Zoey.

Zoey: (smiles and jump on him hugging him)

Roc: (hugs her tightly) I missed you (rubs her back)

Chloe: (wipes her tear smiling)

Zoey: move back to Atlanta, dad (Sniffs then stop hugging)

Roc: aghhh. (Wipes the tear from her eyes)

Chloe: Zoey don't be selfish.

CJ: (looking at them)

Jami: (walks up) Hey Chloe. (Hugs her)

CJ: Mom look. It's Zoey. They look alike.

Jami: wow they do!! Nice to finally meet you in person Zoey. Can I have a hug?

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