Chapter 2 | Him

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You go separate ways with Sid and Tatum as you make your way to your second period. It goes by so fast, you've always hated Physics so you're glad. You don't even remember a thing because you didn't pay attention at all. Third period comes around, and we have assigned seats.
"Who the hell still used assigned seats, like people even sit in their right seat." You say in your head, having another attitude.

You make your way to your seat and you sit next to a boy named Billy.
"God, I'm not gonna take this boy serious if his name is Billy..." you joke in your head and hold in a laugh.
You see a very handsome guy walk in, your eyes are locked in him. He walks his way over to his desk, that happens to be next to you. Your eyes widen open, HES Billy?

B: "Hello.." he greets as he sets down his backpack and gets into his seat.
He sounds busy, you know, when you don't wanna talk and you got a lot on your mind but you have to be nice. You can't help but look at him and smile. He catches you looking and he smiles back for a quick second.

Y: "Hi, I'm y/n." You say with a smile, kind of nervous looking. You can hear it in your own voice. It's always the fine boys that get you nervous.
B: "You're new, huh."
Y: "Yeahhh, I'm starting to like the school though. All I know is that everyone has a staring problem"
Billy laughs
B: "Mhmm, get used to it. Everyone either hates you of jealousy or wants to be your friend when your one of the best looking students here." He smirks.
I know this man did not just call me one of the best looking students. You brush it off your shoulders though.
Y: "I have anger issues, but I'll try to get used
to it before I throw rocks at them for having a staring problem."
B: "Right, I cant stand it. Glad we can have anger issues together, right?!"
Y: "Exactly, we'd be a toxic duo." You keep nervous laughing. Billy highfives you.

Third period goes by, and it turns out you have fourth period with Billy too.

?: "Ouu Billy~, who's this chick you're with?!"
B: "Ay, shut up Stu. This is y/n, Stu. Y/n, this is Stu, the stupidest idiot you'll ever meet." He greets you both in between you guys.
Y: "Hi." You give a little wave, you're finally smiling and having a good day because of "Billy".
S: "Oh! You're the girl that Tatum was telling me about!" You look at him and his big eyes, why is he so hyper?!
Y: "Oh yeah, Tatum, yeah she's cool." You nod and glance at billy. Billy seems to just be glad you guys are getting along.

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