Chapter 12

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"Only light can defeat darkness and only love will drive the pain"








Kimetsu No Yaiba: Secrets Of Time

Dark Red Moon Arc

Chapter 4: The Return of The Eight-headed Terror









"This doesn't sound good." Shizuya muttered, as she heard a deep loud roar. She knew that rituals need sacrifices. But, the sacrifices are all here. Then it hit her....

'She uses her own followers!?'  She thought with a shock.


"Yamata No Orochi, It's so good to meet you again, milord." Yamiryuu said bowing towards the eight headed demon.

"Yamiryuu. Well done bringing me back." Orochi said with a dark tone that kind of reminds her of Sesshomaru from Inuyasha. Actually Sesshomaru is more like cold than dark (Wait Why am i talking about the other anime?).

"Indeed" Yamata said "It seems you forget something dear." 

"What do you mean, Master?" Yamiryuu's brow arched. Before she could blink, Yamata stood over her and grabbed her with his teeth. He swung her up in the air and she fell into his mouth. Swallowing her whole.

Shizuya wrinkled in disgust as she look. How could he dare to eat his own kind? And more furtherly the one who revived him.

"looks like i have a shy guest." Yamata turned his head towards Shizuya's direction. "Will you come out?"

"Tch" Shizuya mumbled.

"A human? Interesting." 

" Star Breathing: Star Clouds (Hoshi No Kokyuu: Seiun)" She charges at high speed before slashing his arms creating an explosion. Yamata narrowed his eyes. He scoffed then slammed his tail at her. "Breath of Sun: Waltz (Hi No Kokyuu: Enbu)." Shizuya muttered as she slashes Yamata's tails. Yamata winced before gathers energy to his mouth and fired it.

Shizuya dodges mid-air but, in return she is fell into his mouth and swallowed to Yamata's stomach. 

"Caw Caw Shizuya Kocho has dead! Killed by Yamata No Orochi! Caw Caw." The crows cawed.

"What?" Was all struck in Shizuya's friends minds. "Go to north! Caw Caw Yamata No Orochi is there! Caw Caw." The crows continued.

"Shizuya...." They all thought.


Inside Yamata's stomach Shizuya is still alive with a sword glowing.


Now that Shizuya is still alive will she get out? Next on Kimetsu No Yaiba X Oc Reincarnation: Jikan No Himitsu Dark Red Moon Arc Chapter 5: Returning The Dead to the underworld.

Taisho Secrets:

"I'm a half-demon with purity powers that's why i don't get killed inside Yamata."

~Kocho Shizuya

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