Chapter 4

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Florence’s POV

I can tell you now, if you’re light enough, an air hockey table is the best place to lie and think. I was lying on said air hockey table, my arm flopped over my eyes and the other one twisting the hockey puck over and over in my fingers. I just needed time to think before Nate came home, and I did think, a lot.

Somehow, Mum had managed to clean up from her episode in the kitchen before got home from when I went out with Roy.


Dammit! That boy was confuddling my head, and I didn’t like it! I was usually a calm person with collected thoughts, but right now my thoughts were all over the place, somehow always coming back to rest on that idiot who kissed me.

I was going to have a stern talk with Damon about who he should be daring in this world. Beam, sure, but Roy and Freddie were sure fire signs of a war starting anywhere… and I was holding a silent war with myself as I heard my phone ringing upstairs.

Instead of going to answer it, I ignored him, squinting my eyes shut and covering my ears with hands. Make it stop, make it stop, MAKE IT STOP! I thought desperately. I knew who was ringing me; Roy. My phone stopped ringing, followed by Gimli’s voice saying ‘And my axe!’, indicating I had a message saying I had a new voicemail.

Groaning, I turned away from the doorway that led to the front hall, and the stairs. I was the only one here; Mum and Dad had gone out just before I got back and Nate was with his biatch-for-a-girlfriend. Well, that’s where I thought he was when I heard the front door crash open and Nat singing, “Hellooooo! Anyone home?!”

He came into the loungeroom. I rolled over to glare at him, snapping, “Nah, no one’s here, Nate, I’m merely a figment of your imagination!” Nate grinned his trademark smile at me, walking over and gripping the edges of the table.

Before I could stop him, he had flipped the table, sending me flying to the floor. Thankfully for me, I had inherited a high pain tolerance from our mother, and I didn’t even gasp in pain, though I did flinch. I opened my eyes just as Nate set the table back in place and walked over to help me up.

“What was that for?!” I shrieked at him, allowing him to help me up. We both walked into the kitchen, where a bucket of KFC chicken sat on the bench, just waiting to be eaten.

Nate reached it first, opening it and helping himself to a particularly large piece turning to me. “I read this thing on Tumblr about flipping all the tables, and I thought to myself ‘hmm… Mum and Dad probably wouldn’t let me flip an actual table, but the air hockey table will do just fine’! It’s just you were lying on it at the time,” Nate told me with a smirk, trying not to spit out his chicken as his shoulders shook with silent laughter.

I rolled my eyes at him, allowing myself to smile. It was such a Nate thing to do, and I doubt it was from Tumblr. I had a strange feeling he just felt like doing it for the hell of it, and that was ok. But next time if he wanted to flip a table he had to make sure no one was on it first!

We heard a vibrating noise, followed by the song ‘Remember the Name’ by Fort Minor, which was my favourite song. We both looked up at the roof, shrugged and went back to eating our chicken. Nate, however, did give me a strange look.

“What?” I said through a mouthful of chicken and he scoffed a little.

“One, you’re so lady-like, and two, aren’t you going to answer that?” he asked when he had successfully cleared his nasal passage and straightened up. His eyes widened a little at the look I was giving him, and with the way he went back to his food I knew he was going to let the subject drop.

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