Chapter 2

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Dedicated to airliane for being our first commenter! :)

Florence's POV

The rest of the day seemed to pass in a blur. I mean, it wasn’t all that much of a big deal, but hell, I got hit in the head with a fake boob! According to the rest of the school, it would be gossip till my great-grandchildren got to high school. I made a mental note to make it a bedtime story to my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren before they heard all the rumour.

Beam spent most of the day chasing off jocks who dared come too near to ask if I had kept one of the fake boobs. Beam would run after them, waving her fists around and yelling something in Thai. She looked quite funny, being a small girl chasing after huge jocks. But after everyone witnessed the time she managed to pin Damon down using one arm, no one dared mess with her.

I walked home from school alone. Damon had offered me a ride, but I declined. I wanted to think for a while, so I left listening to the sounds of Freddie insisting he give Beam a lift home, claiming it wasn’t right for a girl to walk home alone. She tried to protest by saying I was walking home, but he said that Nate would go with me, so she needn’t worry. In the end, Beam caved.

The day’s events rushed through my head, making me feel a little light-headed. What… why? Why did Christie help? She was one of Rhonda’s minions, she was supposed to support Rhonda, not stop us from fighting! It was Nate’s job to do that!

Don’t get me wrong, Nate’s amazing. He’s a great older brother, a respectful son, he’s good at football and school and a lot of girls say he is drop dead gorgeous… except for the whole Rhonda thing, I’d say he was the best older brother ever. Whenever Rhonda wasn’t around, he was my best friend. Before Rhonda came into the picture, Nate actually spent time with me.

Now it was always about Rhonda. Even my parents liked Rhonda, no matter how much I tried to tell them that she was a b*tch and didn’t deserve their praise. Somehow, Rhonda would quickly win them back. And it always made me a crabby cow whenever she did. My parents were two steps away from sending me off to live with my grandparents.


I stopped and let out a loud, exasperated sigh, running a hand through my hair. That biatch was ruining my life… fabulous. What would she do, take my friends next?

I winced violently at the thought. Beam and Damon probably wouldn’t leave me, but Roy and Freddie were unpredictable, especially Freddie. That guy could be your best friend one day and your worst enemy the next. There’s no telling what he would do.

With an irritable huff, I stomped down the road, getting to my house a lot faster than I intended. Only Nate’s motorbike was gone; my bright green scooter sat beside Mum’s car. Surprisingly, it was a comforting sight. I felt my anger slowly seeping out and by the time I reached the front door, I was no longer mad.

I reached out to open the door when it flew open, revealing Mum wearing a shocking pink apron and her dark blonde hair was piled in a messy bun on the top of her head. Nate had the same hair and eye colour as Mum while I had the same eye colour as Mum and hair colour as Dad. Dad didn’t have a car. He claimed taking the bus helped the environment… which it did, but I never admitted it. I hated buses.

One of my eyebrows rose at Mum’s dishevelled appearance. “Mum? Are you… cooking?” I asked in disbelief, trying to hide my horror. People say women belong in the kitchen, yet my own mother would be dead in minutes, but not before she killed everyone else from food poisoning. The woman was terrible at cooking… a trait both Nate and I inherited.

Mum quickly shook her head, her eyes widening. “No, no, I’m just… experimenting.” She pivoted and walked away, humming a little tune to herself. I quickly followed her and nearly fainted at the sight of the kitchen.

It All Started With A Fake BoobWhere stories live. Discover now