Chapter 3

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Christie's POV

I saw Florence walking into the coffee store. Ever since I threw that boob everything has been going bad; different. Rhonda was beyond pissed at me. After the confrontation in the cafeteria she dragged me into the girls bathroom to yell at me.

“Why would you stop me Christie?! Why would you throw a FAKE BOOB at me?! Why do you even HAVE fake boobs?! What the hell?!?!?!?!” Rhonda screamed at me.

“Well I-“

“Do you have any idea how EMBARASSING it is for me Christie? Now people laugh at me when they see me because I’m ‘that girl’ who was hit in the face with a fake boob! Do you have ANY idea what this has done to my reputation and even Nate-“ I cut her off by putting a hand over her mouth. I think I scared her because she started screaming like a damn gorilla on weed.

“Geez, Rhonda, stop screaming! Yeah alright, I through a boob at you and Florence, SO WHAT! I couldn’t let you fight with her, she’s younger than us! It’s all I had on me that I could throw! I mean geez I know you’re a bitch but you don’t have to be a bitch!” I screamed. Her eyes widened a little at my outburst.

“So you think I’m a bitch do you?” she popped her hip, sticking it out. Her ridiculously short dress riding up even higher showing off even MORE of her long ‘perfect’ legs. She stepped closer to me so she’s looking down at me. She’s towering over me because of the fancy high stilettos she’s wearing.

“Yes, and so do you. You know you’re a bitch and you don’t care. And you know what Rhonda?” I spat, “Neither do I. I don’t care anymore. Do what you want but I’m done being your wing chick. I thought being besties with the queen bee would be great, I would be popular and the spotlight would follow me but I’d rather become a hobo and live on garbage than spend another day bowing down to you.” I spat my words at her through clenched teeth, swirling around and stalking out of the bathroom and down the hall to my car.

I laughed slightly when I remembered the look on her face just before I left. Classic.

I wanted to fix things with Florence, Nate’s little sister. When I thought of Nate I blushed a little. Damn me and my crush. Why I like him though I don’t know. He is RHONDA’S boyfriend. She’d kill me if I went with him. Not that I care what Rhonda thinks but I do care about my face and if I started showing my interest for Nate my face would be no more. Maybe one day Nate will come around and realise he doesn’t like Rhonda at all… he likes me. Then maybe it won’t matter if I’m with Nate, I’ll start learning karate so I can kick her ass if required.

I stood outside the coffee place watching Florence through the window. It’s a bit stalkerish but psh whatever. When she and her friend, Roy I think his name is left the café I waited patiently for him to leave. I got bored of watching them talk so I started picking at my manicured nails admiring them as I often do. By the time I looked back up they were kissing. I did a double take and yep, sure enough they were playing tonsil hockey. I saw Flo kissing him back fiercely before pulling away, her face a mask of shock. I saw them talking but I was too far away to hear what was being said. When Roy or whatever his name is sped off on his motorcycle Flo went back inside.  I took a deep breathe to go inside and talk to her. I took one step then stopped. What will happen? Will she hate me? Will SHE throw a fake boob at ME? To get me back? What if she calls her brother?! Oh my god! Deep breathes Christie, deep breathes. “Come on Christie grow some balls and just talk to her. She’s not going to call Nate or throw a boob at you” my inner self told me. It’s right, I am a man on a mission, or rather a woman on a mission, and I’m not gonna back down now. So with another deep breathe I grew a set and marched right into the café, standing across from Florence Merchant.

It All Started With A Fake BoobDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora