Chapter 5

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Florence’s POV

Monday Morning. School again, and of course I was hungover as hell. My head pounded and throbbed, and I felt exhausted beyond belief. But today, I had school. Start the week all over again, and I really did not want to go.

I lay in bed, the blanket hanging around my hips and my tank top threatening to uncover my chest. My face was pressed into my pillow and the curtains were drawn, keeping out the evil sunlight.  An arm dangled over the edge of the bed and the other was curled around mt head, tangled with my hair.

I did not want to move.

Beep, beep, beep.

“Ugh,” I groaned, ignoring my phone as I rolled onto my back and flung my arm over my eyes, groaning in pain. My head throbbed painfully, making me wince under my protective eye gear (my arm), and my mouth was as dry as the surface of the sun.

Beep, beep, beep.

Once again, I ignored my phone. I knew who it was; that damn half-Thai best friend of mine, Beam. That girl… she was only person I knew who never seemed to have a hangover. She must know some sort of Thai remedy for hangovers… I was going to discover her secret.

Every time we went out and went clubbing, every Monday following without fail Beam would text me a bright, over-cheery message about getting up and enjoying the new day! Without fail. Every Monday. I was going to kill her and send her ashes back to Thailand.

Suddenly, there was a crash that caused my room to rock dangerously and I jumped, my arm flying off my face to blink blearily around the room. Standing in the doorway of my room, wearing nothing but a white t-shirt and a pair of pink underpants was my Mum, her eyes blazing.

“OI! Do you plan on sleeping in all day?” she shouted, not caring that I was staring at her in shock and embarrassment.

“MUM! Put some clothes on!” I shrieked in return, grabbing my blanket and pulling it up over my head. I heard Mum scoff as she entered the room, saying, “Like you’re one to talk, Miss ‘I only wear a tank top and panties to bed’ Merchant!”

Despite my tight grip, Mum successfully managed to rip the doona off the bed, tossing to the floor. With a grand flourish, she bounded across the room and flung opens the curtains, allowing the sunlight of doom to spill into my room cheerfully, all the while mocking me and burning my eyes. Instantly, I hissed and grabbed my pillow, slamming it against my face.

“Get up, get up, it’s time get up!” Mum sang merrily, tossing my doona over my head and skipping out. “If you miss school, I’ll take away your phone and internet privileges!”

I gasped like a fish out of water in shock, pulling the blanket off my bed and putting my pillow back in its blanket, trying unsuccessfully to block my eyes from the invading light. Grabbing a pair of sunglasses, I slammed them on my face and staggered from the room, grabbing onto the door for support as my legs readjusted to the sudden weight.

Nate was passing at that moment, and he grinned at my sloppy footing. “How are we, sister dear?” he asked in a syrupy voice, fluttering his eyelashes to indicate to show he was in no way sympathetic. “Didn’t sleep well?” He sighed, shaking his head in mock disappointment.

“I think you need to sleep more, sister dear. Get off the internet more; you and that Beam girl spend too much time,” Nate mock-sympathized, patting my head to show his limit of affection. I glared at him, feeling a twinge of guilt as I remembered Christie threatening to tell Nate.

He didn’t need to know. He never had to know that his sister drank. I would never tell him… and if I had to, I would force Christie to not tell him. If she ever told him, I swear, I would… I stopped that thought right there, the memory of the fake boob hitting the floor flashing through my mind.

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