The Plane Ride

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Aaron and I made it to the jet. We were the last ones to board. When we entered the plane I noticed that Emily and Dave were nowhere to be seen.

Courtney: Hey where's Emily and Dave?

JJ: Emily called me and told me that after what happened. She needed some time before she came out. Dave offered to stay with her. She was wondering if we could send the jet back for them once we land.

Aaron: Yeah. It's probably better that way. I'll shoot Dave a message letting him know.

Courtney: Wow. [rolls her eyes]

Penelope: What happened between you and Em bestie?

Courtney: There were some hurtful things that were said. This has always been a sore spot for us.

Penelope: Because of Tatum?

Courtney: Yes. Among other things.

Aaron: Alright everyone let's get situated and like promised if any of you have any questions we are more than willing to answer them.

We all gather around one of the larger tables on the jet. Spencer, Penelope, JJ, and Derek take some time to let us get settled and think of questions they have.

Derek: if this is really gonna upset you guys you don't have to do this.

Aaron and I exchange a glance and look to each other and nod. He presses a kiss to the top of my head.

Courtney: We will be fine. It's hard to talk about yes but any questions you all have could help with this case and we want to find this copycat because we know how much damage and hurt can happen.

Spencer: okay. I have a question. So Gale Weathers is your sister in law? She's the woman who wrote "The Woodsboro Murders" correct?

Courtney: Yes. Gale is my sister in law. It took her and Dewey so long to figure out how much they cared about each other. She is such an amazing person although in the past she hasn't gotten the best rep. And yes she did write "The Woodsboro Murders."

Aaron: Gale is perfect for Dewey. Don't sell yourself short though sweetheart. You helped write the book aswell.

Spencer: You did?

Courtney: Yes. Gale was the author but I helped with the psychological aspects of the book. I helped her write all about why the killers did what they did and the science behind it. I don't know if any of you have actually read the book before but my name is mentioned on the cover but only under C. Riley.

Spencer: I've read it and I remember that there were two authors. That's amazing that you were able to help her with the book.

Aaron: Dewey and I were so proud of the both of them. Even if Dewey didn't show it at first.

JJ: What do you mean?

Courtney: Well we changed peoples names in the books to help somewhat protect their identities and Dewey wasn't a fan of how we made his character out in the book. It was one of the issues him and Gale had early in their relationship. He didn't think she took him seriously.

JJ: That's understandable. I have a question. When giving the case this morning you said that Cotton and Emily dated. How serious were they? How long did they date?

Courtney: Aaron, do you wanna take this one?

Aaron: Sure babe. Cotton was my best friend for as long as I could remember. [the team look at Aaron with wide eyes] Cotton was the same age as Courtney, Emily, and I. Emily and Cotton began dating our sophomore year of high school but we had all always been so close. Cotton and Emily were really in love. Then they started arguing and we find out he was having an affair with Maureen. When he was arrested for her murder none of us believed it.

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