The Attack

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Chapter 7: The Attack

Courtney, Dewey, and Emily arrive back to the police station and are about to head inside when Courtney's phone rings

Courtney: That's weird. It's Mark Kincaid

Emily: Sidney's husband?

Dewey: Answer it!

(phone call between Mark and Courtney)

Courtney: Mark?

Mark: Courtney, thank goodness you answered! I heard you were in Woodsboro! I just got here to meet up with Sid. I need to see you.

Courtney: And why is that? Plus I thought Sidney said for you to stay put with your kids and not come here?

Mark: She did, but clearly I didn't listen. Plus, I needed to see you. We have to talk.

Courtney: Okay, but Mark you must understand why I am so confused about this. We haven't talked in years. Your wife is not a fan of me.

Mark: No, she isn't but that doesn't matter. Where can we meet?

Courtney: Well, I'm at the police station right now. If you want, you can just come here and we can talk here.

Mark: No, not there. Somewhere else please.

Courtney: Okay.... I guess we can meet at the park in about fifteen minutes?

Mark: That works with me. I'll see you then Courtney. Bye.

Courtney: Okay, bye Mark.

Courtney hangs up her phone and sticks it back in her pocket. She looks extremely confused.

Dewey: So Mark wants to meet up with you to talk? About what?

Courtney: I have no idea. I haven't spoken to him in years. I don't know what he could possibly want to talk to me about.

Emily: Courtney... What if this is a trap? What if that wasn't Mark?

Courtney: No Em, it was clearly Mark. I guess I'm gonna go meet up with him. Tell Aaron for me? I'll be back here in a bit. If I'm not back or you haven't heard form me in an hour, come to the park.

Dewey: Deal, but I'm still not the biggest fan of this. Aaron is gonna be so mad at us for allowing you to go off by yourself.

Courtney: I'm a big girl. I promise I'll be okay. Love you both.

Emily: Love you too. Be safe.

Courtney walks away from Dewey and Emily and heads in the direction of the park which is about a five minute walk from the police station. Dewey and Emily head into the police station and head to the room that they left Aaron, Gale, and the rest of the BAU team in. They walk in and all eyes turn to them. Aaron immediately notices Courtney is not with them.

Aaron: Where is she?

Dewey: Don't worry Aaron, she's okay.

Aaron: That still doesn't answer my question Emily. Where is my wife?

Emily: Aaron, chill. I know we are on edge. She's fine, we talked all of our issues out, but as we were getting here she got a call from Mark Kincaid asking her to meet up with him at the park to talk about something. She said if she wasn't back or we hadn't heard from her in an hour to go to the park.

Aaron: Mark Kincaid? And she went alone? What could he possibly want to talk to her about?

Derek: I'm sorry to interrupt but who is this Mark Kincaid guy?

Gale: When the murders happened the third time and Dewey was out in California working on the Stab set, Kincaid was the sheriff who worked with us on the case. That's how he met Sidney and they're married with kids.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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