Unexpected Visitor

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Chapter 4: Unwelcome Visitor

Dewey: Okay, Courtney we really need to get to the bottom of what is going on with Emily.

Courtney: Dewey, I've tried talking to her about it, but I can't get anything out of her. Ever since Aaron and Gale let it slip about Cotton she has been off with me. Some days we will be fine and then other days we will barely speak. If she is really dating Dave, which is what some of us on the team think she must know that we will be happy for her and support her.

Dewey: I honestly thought she would have never moved on after Cotton. That could be why she is hiding it. She might think that Aaron and you will think that she has forgotten about him and just replaced him.

Courtney: It's been 13 years since he was murdered Dewey! We've wanted her to move on. Aaron, Gale, you, and me have tried to get her to. I just really wish I knew what was going on. (crying)  I don't wanna lose my sister. I can't lose another one.

Dewey:  (tearing up) I know Courtney I feel the same way. We will get through this with her. As soon as she gets here tomorrow all three of us need to talk this out. Our bond, the three of us has always been so strong since everything happened and even before then when Tatum was still here. I don't want to lose that either. I want my child to get to have a relationship with both of its aunts.

Courtney: Yeah. I completely understand that. (A look of relaxation passes through Courtney's dace) WAIT! Did you just say your child? Is Gale pregnant?

Dewey: (smiling) Yes! I wanted to tell you so badly the other day when everything went down, but knew I needed to do it in person. This is why we need to get the copycat and get them quick.

Coutney: (hugs Dewey while crying) Dewey I am so excited for you both. You will be great parents! We need to get this son of a bitch. If anything happens to my niece of nephew... Well there will be hell to pay.

Dewey: Let's head on down to the station now so we can work on some stuff now.

(Cut to the Woodsboro Police Station)

Gale: Let me show you all to the conference room. You all can set up in there.

Deput Hicks: Excuse me Gale. What exactly are you doing here with these people? This is the police department, not your personal playground.

(Garcia and Reid share a shocked look, while Aaron and Gale look frustrated)

Gale: Hicks, not that this matters to you as last I checked I do not answer to you. My husband is the sheriff not you. This is the BAU here to help with the case. This is Dr. Spencer Reid, Penelope Garcia, and Aaron H—----

Deput Hicks: Aaron Hotchner! Oh my gosh, hi. It's Judy Hicks from high school. Do you remember me? Wow, you just got better looking with age. Maybe while you're in town we could catch up over dinner. I'd love to hear how you finally got away from Dewey's bitch of a sister. She was always an anchor dragging you down.

Garcia: Oh no she is not talking about my best friend like that! Listen here Deputy–

(Courtney is walking to the group as Dewey is speaking to other officers hearing the tail end of the conversation)

Courtney: Oh hi honey, sorry it took Dewey and I so long! (kissed Aaron on the cheek) Oh my gosh! Judy Hicks! How are you? It's been forever! I'm good! Still dragging Aaron down like the anchor I am and we have been married for almost 10 years and most importantly still a raging bitch.

Deputy Hicks: (looking shocked,  but recovers and just scoffs) This isn't high school anymore. Around here you will treat me with respect.

Courtney: (rolls eyes) I didn't want to have to do this but I guess I will. Listen Judy, I'm here. I work for the BAU and while I'm in town I'm watching you like a hawk. I know that you're trying to mess with my brother. You need to get over your high school crush on him and Aaron. Don't think I forgot everything you tried back then. You don't have your chance with either of them as long as I'm around. So learn your place and let's just work on finding this killer and stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours.

(Deputy Hicks just becomes angry and stomps away as Dewey comes over)

Dewey: Courtney. What did you say to Hicks?

Courtney: Nothing that wasn't the truth. No harm done. Let's get to work setting up. (She walks away with everyone except Aaron and Dewey who linger behind)

Aaron: I love your sister Dew.

Dewey: Well Aaron. She sure loves you but I have someone that should be here any minute to work with us that's gonna make her love me a little less.

Aaron: Who?

———: Dewey! I made it!

(Aaron and Dewey both turn around at the sound of the voice)

Dewey: Hey Sid! (Hugging Sidney)

Sidney: Oh my gosh. Aaron! It's so good to see you! It's been awhile. (Hugging Aaron)

Aaron: Hey Sidney. It's great to see you too!

Sidney: Isnit true that your fancy BAU team is here helping with the case?

Aaron: Sure is. Now if we can head to the conference room we can get started on some stuff.

Dewey: Of course!

(Sidney, Dewey, and Aaron begin walking to the conference room)

(In the conference room)

Courtney: Gale where did Aaron and Dewey go?

Gale: I'm not too sure (just as Gale says this they come into the doorway with Sidney. Courtney has her back turned to them not noticing their arrival) Uh Courtney turn around.

Sidney: Did you say Courtney? Courtney Riley is that you?

Courtney: (grimaces in realization of who's voice that is but turns around) Sidney. Wow. How are you? I had no idea you were coming by (cuts a side eye to Dewey) and don't forget it's Hotchner now.

Sidney: (quickly sighs) oh yeah that's right. Congrats by the way. We always knew that was probably gonna happen.

(The team all cast a quick look of shock at each other wondering why in the world both Judy and Sidney seem to not like Courtney)

Courtney: (fake laughing) Well Sid, there was no probably about it.

Sidney: You're right. You're right.

Aaron: (noticing the awkward tension) Well now that everyone is almost here let's get started on some things while we wait for Morgan and JJ to come back from the crime scene.

Sidney: Wait Aaron. I just realized something. Where's Emily?

Emily: I'm right here Sid.

(Everyone turns towards the door to notice that Emily and Dave have finally arrived.)

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