What is Wrong with You?

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*a/n: It has been too long since an update and for that I apologize. Here is the next chapter and I am already working on the one after. Please enjoy. I honestly love this story sm*

Chapter 5: What is Wrong With you?


Sidney: Wait Aaron, I just realized something. Where's Emily?

Emily: I'm right here Sid.

(Everyone turns toward the door to notice that Emily and Dave have finally arrived.)

Aaron: Glad you both made it. Dewey, Gale, Sidney this is David Rossi one of our other agents at the BAU and of course you all know Emily.

Dewey: (walks up to embrace his sister) Emily, I'm so glad to see you! How —----

Emily: (pushes Dewey away from her) Save it Dewey,

Courtney: (rolls her eyes) Come on Em, don't do this right now. Dewey hasn't seen you in months and he got attacked two nights ago. Come on.

Emily: Don't come on me Courtney. I'm not in the mood for either of you. I'm here to work on this case. I'm not here to have a reunion with my brother who could care less about me.

Gale: Emily, this isn't you. What is wrong with you?

Emily: Save it Gale.

Dewey: Emily you need to stop this now. You may be my sister and work for the BAU, but here this is my town and I am the sheriff and you will treat everyone here with respect.

Emily: Dewey, you aren't dad. Stop.

Courtney: Alright, no I'm over this. Emily, Dewey we will deal with our family issues later, but right now we need to focus on this case and Emily you need to act like an adult not a small child.

Sidney: You're one to talk.

Garcia: I'm sorry, who are you to think that you can speak to her like that?

Courtney: (puts a reassuring hand on Garcia's arm): Don't worry P, I got this. (turns to Sidney) Alright listen Sidney, last I checked you aren't a member of my family and I don't need you butting into any of our family issues, so butt out.

Sidney: Wow Courtney, ever the sweetest. Your vendetta with me still constantly makes me question, maybe when we were in college the police didn't question you enough, maybe you are a part of this. I mean it adds up. You were jealous of your little sister she had people that actually cared about her, Randy got more attention from Aaron than you did, you weren't portrayed in the movies by someone who you thought was best fit, and now look not even your own twin sister wants anything to do with you. What a sad life you must live. Doesn't it make you wonder if Aaron is still with you out of love or pure pity that if he actually left you and was with someone else that you would do something drastic. Makes you wonder, doesn't it Courtney?

Dewey: (yells) SIDNEY THAT'S ENOUGH!

Sidney: Dewey.......

Gale: No Sid, that's enough. You're being just cruel. How about you go and we will call you when we need you again.

Derek: That's not a when, that's an IF!

Sidney: (rolls eyes) Fine, whatever.

Sidney leaves the station and all eyes turn to Courtney, who is just standing there in silence with an unreadable expression on her face and gripping the back of the chair she is standing behind.

Everyone exchanges concerned looks regarding Courtney's behavior.

Aaron: Sweetheart..... Are you okay?

Courtney snaps back into it when she hears Aaron's voice and looks around the room at everyone's concerned faces as a single tear falls down her face and she races out of the conference room.

Aaron: I'll go, talk to her.

Emily: No Aaron, I think this one needs to be Dewey and I. Come on Dewey, we need to have this sibling talk.

Dewey: Oh okay, yeah let's go Em.

Dewey and Emily both leave the conference room in search of Courtney

JJ: I've never seen Courtney look like that, so broken and out of it.

Reid: That was so sad.

Aaron: It definitely concerns me and as much as I want to go and be there for my wife, they really need to have this time right now.

Derek: Why does Sidney hate Courtney so much? She was so cruel.

Dave: Isn't it obvious? Jealousy. She wants everything that Courtney has. Emily told me that throughout high school Sidney always pinned for Aaron and when she couldn't get him that's why she started dating Billy Loomis. Isn't that right Aaron?

Aaron: Yeah, I honestly don't know why Sidney thought she would ever have me. I've always been friends with her through association.

Reid: Not only is it with Aaron as well, but it's also with Tatum. She was best friends with Tatum, but I am sure that Tatum prioritized spending time with her sisters over spending time with Sidney.

Derek: Sidney also probably believes that if she could've had Hotch, she would've never ended up dating Billy and in turn none of this would've ever happened. She blames the whole thing on Courtney.

Gale: Are you saying that you think Sidney is behind this all and Courtney is the main target?

Dave: Now that I'm not entirely sure of, but what I am sure of is I don't trust Sidney at all.

Aaron's phone rings, he looks at the called ID and it's Dewey

(on phone)

Aaron: Dewey?

Dewey: Hey Aaron, I just wanted to let you know that we found Courtney outside sobbing and the three of us are headed to the house to talk things out.

Aaron: Okay, thanks Dewey. Has she said anything?

Dewey: Not yet, she's reminding me of how she acted that night.

Aaron: (one single tear falls down Aaron's face) Tell her I love her and we will work here while you guys talk. Please keep me updated.

Dewey: Of course. Bye Aaron

Aaron: Bye Dewey

(hangs up)

Gale: What's wrong Aaron?

Aaron: They are headed to your house to talk. They found her outside sobbing, but now she is sitting in the car and acting how she did that night.

Gale: Oh no.

Garcia: What do you mean that night?

Aaron: The night of the big killings. The night when Tatum died, Courtney was so broken. She just stared off into space, after she cried she just sat there motionless next to Tatum's body. She was broken for days. Emily and her both. I'm so worried.

Aaron just sits down in a chair and puts his head in his hands and Dave puts a reassuring hand on his back.

Dave: She'll be okay Aaron. She's a fighter. While they're talking, let's start working. Where do we want to begin?

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