Welcome Home

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A/N: sorry for the delay in updating. I've had a crazy schedule this last little bit. I have some more parts written and working on some new ones. Enjoy part 3.

Chapter 3: Welcome Home!

As soon as the plane landed everyone split up into two of the three suvs that were there. They decided to leave one for Emily and Dave when they arrived the following day. The gang all made their way to Dewey and Gale's house. When they arrived Courtney was the first to the door.

Gale: (through the door) Who is it?

Courtney: (smiling) Only your most favorite person in the entire world.

Gale: (swings the door open) COURTNEY!!! AARON!!! (Yelling to Dewey) Honey Courtney, Aaron, and their team are here!

Dewey: (comes limping quickly to the door) There's my little sister! I've missed you so much! (Dewey takes Courtney into a tight hug. As he hugs her Courtney has tears running down her face)

Courtney: (crying and smiling) Dewey, you idiot never go to a crime scene alone again! We could've lost you and then heaven forbid I would be the only sibling that Emily had around to yell at and blame for everything wrong in her life.

Dewey: Courtney, I'm sorry to scare you like that. I will never leave you alone (hugs Courtney) Speaking of, where is she?

Courtney just rolls her eyes and goes to answer, but Aaron places a hand on her shoulder indicating that he will answer

Aaron: Well, after her fight with Courtney she decided that it was best to have some cool down time and come on another plane later with one of our colleagues David Rossi.

Dewey: Wow, actually avoiding confrontation after a big blowup. Sounds like Emily. How rude of me, everyone please come in and let us all get acquainted.

The team follows Dewey and Gale into their home and they all make their way into the living room.

Gale: Welcome to our home! It's going to be great to finally put some faces to names that we have heard all about through the last few years.

Penelope: I'm Penelope Garcia, resident best friend here of She-Hotch

Dewey: She-Hotch?

Courtney: When we work on cases we tend to call each other by our last names and well I was dubbed She-Hotch for obvious reasons.

Dewey: When we were younger Courtney had all sorts of nicknames, like —-

Courtney: And that's enough of that. Let's continue (she nods toward Reid's direction)

Reid: I'm Dr. Spencer Reid —

Dewey: The genius right?

Reid: Yes, the genius.

Dewey: Hopefully your smarts can help us get this killer quick, because I tell you I thought I was done living my life with fear that more of the people I love the most in the world will die. Not again.

Gale: Dewey, breathe sweetheart. Its going to all be okay.

JJ: I'm Jennifer Jareau, but please call me JJ. Emily's best friend, but Courtney's aswell.

Derek: Derek Morgan.

Gale: Chocolate Thunder?

Penelope: Yes, that is my sweet Chocolate Thunder and I am his Baby Girl.

Aaron: Alright, Garcia. Enough of that. (laughing)

Gale: Com on Aar, don't be a hardass.

Dewey: So, what's the deal? Do they know all of the details or do we need to bring them up to speed Courtney?

Courtney: No, Dewey they know everything that I know. Unless you all have uncovered something else since your department made the call into our Cheif.

Dewey: No, nothing new yet. As sheriff though I have sworn to protect this town at all costs and all risks and I can promise you that I will. I just need your help to solve this.

JJ: Trust me, no one wants to help solve this as much as we do. Courtney, Emily, and Hotch may be our co-workers, but they are also our friends. After meeting you both aswell I can say any family of theirs is friends of ours. Also, hearing all that has happened in the past we want this solved so no one else gets hurt.

Dewey: Thank you JJ, we appreciate the willingness all of you have to help.

Aaron: Alright, guys let's split into groups for a bit and then come back together here later. Morgan and JJ head on over to the crime scene. Garcia, Reid, and I will head over to the station.

Courtney: What about me?

Aaron: Sweetheart, there are things that you need to talk to Dewey about regarding Emily so he knows what to expect. (turns his attention to Gale) Gale, do you think you could join us at the station also?

Gale: Of course. Both of you call if you need anything.

Gale and Dewey share a kiss as do Courtney and Aaron. Everyone leaves as the two Riley siblings sit down to discuss what has been going on with Emily

Dewey: Alright, we really need to get to the bottom of this. Let's start.

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