It's Time

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*a/n: sorry that it is taking so long between parts to update. I plan on being on a more normal schedule though. This part is a good one. It got me a little emotional.*

Chapter 6: It's Time

(Dewey and Gale's house)

Emily, Dewey, and Courtney are sitting in the living room of the Riley household. Dewey and Courtney on the couch and Emily in a recliner. Dewey and Emily are watching Courtney with concerned glances as she has not spoken since they left the police station.

Dewey: Court? Are you ready to talk now?

Courtney: (sniffles and wipes at her eyes) Why? What's the point? All a conversation between us is going to turn into us vs Emily and her complaining that we are terrible siblings. Forgive me, but I just got torn to shreds by the one person in this town who I swore I would never let get under my skin and she did. Not only in front of Aaron but in front of the entire team. Maybe Sidney is right and Aaron does deserve someone better.

Dewey: Courtney, all of that is bull and you know it. Aaron couldn't live with himself if you left him or even if he knew that you were thinking of yourself this way! You've never let Sid get under your skin before, what allowed it to happen this time?

Courtney: I don't know Dewey. I guess the fact that all of this is happening again after nothing has happened for 10 years. Aaron and I are in such a good place with our relationship and our work and now I'm terrified yet again that something is going to happen to destroy that. Also, let's not even forget the fact that I am at odds with the one person in my life who has always been a constant and now its like she wants nothing to do with me.

Emily: Courtney, I'm sorry. That's not true. I'm so sorry for the way that I acted. I don't know what came over me. I guess I have been more distant since I found out about Cotton's plan to propose and then I had started seeing Dave. I guess then I got so consumed with anxiety over all of this happening again that I let myself explode on you and Dewey. I'm so sorry to both of you. You both, Aaron, and Gale didn't deserve that at all.

Dewey: Em, it's okay. Courtney and I are sorry that we kept the Cotton thing from you for as long as we did.

Courtney: You were just so broken after he was killed and the last thing that we wanted to do was to hurt you even more by you finding out that the night he died was the night he wanted to propose to you.

Dewey: But in the end, we shouldn't have kept it from you. You should've heard about it from us, not from Aaron and Gale, who feel terrible about that by the way.

Emily: And now with time having passed, I completely understand why you kept it from me at the time. I think it hurt so much because I didn't hear from you two directly about it. Also, around that time I had just started seeing Dave and hearing that made me feel more guilty. Guilty that I had allowed myself to move on when Cotton and I went through so much together and (Emily begins to cry) we never got to have the happy ending together like everyone else.

Courtney: (tearing up) Em, Cotton loved you more than anything. Yes, he had that slight slip up with Maureen, but you were the one for him. Yes, your time with him was cut short, but Em Cotton wouldn't want you to be anything less than happy. Cotton honestly would've probably loved Dave. I mean Aaron and Cotton were best friends and now Dave and Aaron are. Cotton is always with you babes and you know that.

Dewey: Shit sis, that was good. But honestly Em, Court is right. Cotton wouldn't have wanted you to suffer and be alone since he was gone. He would've wanted you to move on and be happy and it seems like you are. While I don't know Dave, from the stories I've heard he seems like a great guy.

Emily: Thank you both. Again, I am so sorry to the both of you. I shouldn't have pushed you both away. I should've just talked to you both about everything.

Courtney: Babes, all is forgiven. The Riley Twins gotta stick together. (pulls Emily in for a hug)

Dewey: Hey! I want in on this! (Dewey embraces both of his sisters) I'm so glad that the baby will have both of his/her aunts getting along with each other.


Courtney: Gale is pregnant Em!

Dewey: And that's why we gotta catch this son of a bitch, because the last thing I want is for something to happen to any of us or to the baby.

Emily: Oh my gosh! I'm so happy for you both! I can't believe you can actually procreate with someone.

Dewey: Oh hush Em!

Courtney: On a serious note, what are we going to do about the Sidney of it all?

Dewey: I just can not believe the things that came out of her mouth today at the police station about you!

Courtney: I can! Dewey, she's always hated me.

Dewey: No, she hasn't. She always thought of you as a friend.

Courtney: No Dewey, that was you and Emily. She hated me, because she had a crush on Aaron and tried to steal him from me multiple times and she's always had a gross crush on you.

Dewey: No she hasn't, Come on Em, back me up.

Emily: Yeah, I can't Dewey. Sorry. She has always had a crush on Aaron and she did have one on you too.

Dewey: Oh.....

Courtney: Yeah, so what are we gonna do about her? Because I will not be able to be in a room with her after the way she acted today without wanting to bash her face in.

Dewey: Understandable, we will figure it out. For now though, I believe we need to head back to the station and see if they have any ideas and also there is a very worried husband, sister-in-law, and team there waiting there for you.

Courtney: (grasps Emily's hand) Let's go.

(Dewey, Courtney, and Emily all make their way out of the Riley house and into Dewey's sheriff's car. Unbeknownst to them in the bushes next to the house you see a figure in the Ghostface mask and black robe)

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