December 1st

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Everyone's favorite holiday of the year! You can do so many things during Christmas, such as built a snowman, go ice skating, go skiing, bake cookies, getting presents and giving presents!

It's the most wholesome month of the year, and no surprise also Jake's favorite month!







Jake woke up, it was December 1st and Jake couldn't be more happy!

As jake got out from bed he went to put on his favorite Christmas clothes, it was a white sweater jake had gotten gifted on his birthday this November, and he matched it with some red pants, and white shoes.

Jake got ready after that, and when he went downstairs he was greeted with the fireplace heating the room up, as he went out in the kitchen to greet his mom.

"Happy first day of December mama!" Jake said as he kissed her cheek, "aww thank you sweetie! I made some tea for you, but don't forget to bring your cupcakes for your friends!" Jake smiled.

"I won't forget, I can't wait too see the others!" Jake's mama smiled at jake and gave him a kiss on the cheek before saying, "okay have a good day sweetheart, I'll go get ready myself now, greet the others for me pls" Jake nodded and drank his tea before leaving for school.





Jake finally made it too school, seeing all his friends he ran over to them with the box in his hands.

"Happy 1st day of December guys!!" Jake said while hugging the guys good morning, and them saying hello back.

"I've brought Christmas cupcakes with me! Do you guys want one?" Jake asked excitedly holding out the box for his friends to choose.

"This is the reason why I'm exited for Christmas" Jay said taking a bite of his cupcake.

The other guys agreed, "wooow jake theses are really amazing!!" Sunoo said as his eyes widened. "Thank you guys, let's meet at lunch I have to go to class now!" Jake said as he skipped away with a big smile.

"Nothing can ruin that guy's day if it's Christmas huh" heeseung said while looking in disbelief at the wide awake jake 7 in the morning.

"I know right, he really loves Christmas" Jungwon said as they all laughed.






Jake made it too class, and as he went in he saw some candy canes laying on his desk, ofc Jake was popular it's Jake, he has such a handsome face and wholesome heart/personality.

All his classmates loves him, and knows how much he loves Christmas, so as he went too his seat, people greeted him on the way. "Morning Jake happy 1st December!" It sounded from different people in the room.

Jake lifted the candy canes as he sat down "thank you so much!" Everyone smiled and said a small welcome.

if Jake was happy everyone was happy.

Jake was opening his candy canes as his teacher came in "marry early Christmas guys! I hope you are just as exited as me for this December, with the whole corona situation we didn't get to have a Christmas together last year, so I'm so exited to spend it with you guys this year!" The teacher said with a big smile.

Looking around the class everyone had colorful clothes on, all the Christmas colors and clothes made jake smile very big.

Jake loved his class so much, everyone loved Christmas in his class, so he was so exited to spend this Christmas with them all.

As he was licking his candy cane listening to the teacher, when a knock was heard on the door, "oh I wander if Santa came early this year?" Jake's teacher said as a joke going towards the door.

When the door was open, a boy stepped inside the classroom, Jake was star struck! Never had he seen a boy so pretty, his skin was white as snow, his lips was red as Jakes candy cane, his eyes brown as hot chocolate. This stranger seemed like winter in a person, Jake had never seen anyone like him.

"Ah you must be the new boy, care to introduce yourself?" The teacher said while closing the door and going back too their desk.

"Park Sunghoon" was all the newcomer said, and that was when Jake noticed the boys clothes... all.. black..?

How come he didn't wear a Christmas sweater or something in the Christmas spirit colors??

Maybe he doesn't have any?! Oh no poor boy! I should give him a sweater to borrow for Christmas!!

Sunghoon was still standing there staring at the class, "okay well thank you Sunghoon, how about you sit beside Jake, he'll help you feel at home" the teacher said looking at Sunghoon then jake.

Jake raised his hand so Sunghoon could see where to sit, as Sunghoon went towards Jake, the boy got even more exited.

Sunghoon sat down with his things not really looking at jake, "well I see our class got a early Christmas gift! I'm shim jake" jake said with a smile holding out at candy cane for Sunghoon to take.

Sunghoon looked at Jake's offer, Sunghoon looked at Jake's eyes now "I don't like candy canes" the winter boy said as he turned his head to the teacher again.

No way... who doesn't like candy canes







Jake's class was done, he was about to ask Sunghoon too join his since he was new, but as he turned around after taking his backpack, the winter boy was already gone...

"He's as quite as snow falling huh" jake smiled and went to the cafeteria to meet his friends.

"Helloooo" jake said as he sat his lunch down on the table, "why are you smiling that much? I get that it's December, but you seem almost dazed" Ni-Ki said looking confused at Jake's smile.

"There's a new boy in my class!" Jake said exited, as the others looked even more confused at him now.

"He's a living winter, if I had to describe winter with one thing I would show a picture of him!" Jake said with dreamy eyes.

"Uuu did Jake finally get his first crush?" Heeseung said wiggling his eyebrows, "yeah on mister snowman it seems" jungwon said making Jake's friends laugh.

"It's not a crush, I'm just excited to meet a person like that! I believe he must love Christmas since he reminds me of winter so much!" Jake said while going back to his lunch.

"What's his name, and is he here? I wanna see the winter boy!" Sunoo asked, while looking around.

Jake also started looking around "his named is Park Sunghoon, but I can't seem to find him, he just disappeared after class..." Jake said disappointed.

"You'll see him tomorrow if you don't see him more today" Jay said patting Jake's back.

He's right, I'll get to talk to the winter boy tomorrow! I can't wait to meet another Christmas spirit!!


Lol I'm back, I missed writing... I've already finished all the chapters

I noticed I can't find enhypen Christmas ship books, and I really wanted to mix my to favorite things.

Comments makes me so happy too read so don't feel shy!

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