December 4th

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Today is Saturday, that means no school. But it was still the 4th of December, and Jake wanted to do something.

Jake was thinking of eating lunch with some friends, and drinking hot chocolate afterwards.

But sadly all his friends were up to something else today.

Jake decided to just go himself, and maybe buy some Christmas gifts before everything was sold out!

So Jake remembered his jacket this time, and also took the scarf around him, before heading out.

While walking down the street to the buss, he was thinking of were to go.
The mall must have something delicious!

Jake came just in time to catch the buss, running just a little to get on to the buss!

Jake came in and greeted the driver, before going to find a seat... and was luck with Jake today, only a few spots back and guess what...?

Yes ofc Sunghoon sad there in the spot all the way in the back.

Jake moved towards the winter boy, who was looking out the window.

"You know I can't wait till it finally snows" Jake said after he sat down, Sunghoon's head turned too the new sound, only to see his oh so lovely classmate (can you hear the irony;)

Sunghoon rolled his eyes "how can you be everywhere... and I don't care about the snow" he said

Jake looked at Sunghoon "I really don't get how you can't like Christmas... but I don't know how we keep running into each other, maybe because we go to the same class" Jake said with a bit of a duuhhh sound to his words.

Sunghoon shock his head and looked back out the window.

But just the same time jake got an amazing idea "hey Sunghoon! Wanna eat lunch with me?!" "No" Sunghoon answered still looking out the window.

"Ahhh whyyy?" Jake said pouting "plsss my treat?" This made Sunghoon look Jake's way "... mmm, ok then. But I'll choose where" jake smiled very big at that "omg really! Okay you lead the way mister winter" Sunghoon looked at jake like he just said the weirdest thing head ever heard..

"Don't call me that idiot.." the winter boy simply said.







They arrived at the mall about 10 minutes ago, and was now walking around.

Jake had no idea where Sunghoon wanted to go, but the boy had simply said "follow me" when they came inside.

They now stood in front of a little restaurant, it didn't look like much..?

Jake had expected Sunghoon too choose and expensive looking place because Jake had offered to pay, but now they were here, and it looked... homely?

Sunghoon didn't wait for Jake and instead just went inside the place, Jake quickly followed after, the place smelled so good!

"Hello!" Sunghoon said with a little smile, Jake didn't see him smile much so he always remembered to not forget Sunghoon's smile.

"Oh! Sunghoon I haven't seen you in ages, who is this with you~?" The cashier said teasingly at the winter boy.

"He's an classmate we are just here to eat the classic" Sunghoon answered ignoring the teasing.

"Well of course, take a seat it'll be there in 10!"

The boys went towards a table sitting down opposite from each other.

It was kinda quiet, but jake was there so not for long "do you come here often?" Jake asked, as Sunghoon was playing with the salt on the table.

"Yeah, it's my favorite place... they don't decorate for Christmas because they don't celebrate Christmas in their home country" Sunghoon said.

Jake should have known, it was probably the only store in the whole mall that wasn't decorated in Christmas stuff.

"I really don't get why you hate Christmas so much" Jake said

Sunghoon sighed "okay the food is here, enjoy boys!" They both thanked the waiter and started eating.

"Wow it's really good!" Sunghoon smiled a little over jakes excitement, "yeah they make the best soups, and it fits well with the cold weather" he answered.

"What's your drink? It's pink and I'm confused" Jake said

Sunghoon looked dumbfounded "it's pink lemonade never heard of that?" He asked

"No, I've never tried lemonade" Jake said casual "what?! You've never tried it, here try some you psycho" Sunghoon said back with a judging face, reaching his drink out for Jake to take.

"Gladly!" The Christmas spirit said, taking the glass out of Sunghoon's hand, and taking a little sip.

"wOow! That's so good!!" Jake said with a big smile, "you can have it, I've already tried it before" Sunghoon said.

Jake of course nodded his head happily, but the thought about something "uhh you can try some of mine too?" He said

Sunghoon looked at jake with an eyebrow raised "Jake you ordered water"

"Oh- yeah sorry hehe" Jake said his face now all red...





The boys had decided to drink some hot chocolate before heading home again, and they were now sitting on a bench outside, sipping on the hot chocolate.

"Do you like it?" Jake asked

"The chocolate? Yeah I do"

Sunghoon and Jake had gotten a little more comfortable around each other

It was starting to get dark outside, and Jake looked at the clock, it was 5pm

"Ahh Sunghoon it was fun to spend the day with you, let's do it again! I have to get home now it's late" Jake said with a smile standing up from the bench

"Wait jake!" Sunghoon said a little rushed, as he stood up to face Jake, "yeah?-" Jake didn't have time to answer, as Sunghoon leaned close to his face and lifting his hand up too jakes lips.

"You have chocolate on your lip"

"Can I get your number Sunghoon?"

Happy 4th December ❄️
I don't remember if I proved read it lol😭 and I don't have time

Hope you like it!

See you tmw!!!

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