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  "I'm moving.."


"I'm moving." She repeated again, Y/N seemed stiff as she said it, almost as if, she didn't believe it herself.

"I- y-you can't.." Rod stuttered, his voice catching in his throat. "Y-you're my friend! My only friend!!" His voice broke.

"I'm sorry.." Y/N's frown depended, she didn't want to move, but she didn't have a choice, her father had to relocate to a different company in another state, due to financial problems they shut down here, or something along the lines of that bull her father told her.

Rods breathing hitched, realization had finally hit him. His best friend, only friend. Was moving. Away from him.

He hugged her, tears swelling in his eyes. she hugged back hesitantly, neither of them wanted to let go, but they knew, at some point, they would have to.

"When?" Rod asked, still clinging onto the girl desperately. "In..about a month." She had estimated.

When her father told her, it broke her, she was so upset that she locked herself in her room for a couple of days, only coming out when she absolutely needed too. She and Rod were so close, she couldn't bare the thought of losing him.

"Well.." He sniffed, "I'm going to make this the best month I can." He promised her.

And he did. They spent countless nights staying at each other's house, they hung out frequently, barely spending any time apart, and Rod even offered to help her pack, which she gladly accepted.

When the day finally came, before they left, Rod had stopped by to finally say his goodbyes, he'd already said them a million times the week before, but this was the last, and it hurt.

Y/N hugged him, "I'll miss you." She spoke, trying to fight back tears.

Rod hugged back, "Promise me something Y/N?" He asked her.


"Promise you'll never forget me..?"


                     "Of course Rod.."


There ya'lls little b!tch asses go, bye bye 🤪

【WINTER WONDERLAND】Rod Sullivan x FEM ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now