Chapter 4

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Her eyes fluttered open from the wet sensation of her cats tongue licking her cheek, she let out a groan as she shoved him away, "Okayyy. Okay Bub. I'm up." She muttered, sitting up and stretching, she hated when he woke her up on his own convenience just for food because he was hungry. She got up, trudging to the kitchen to pour him his food, setting it on the ground for him, "There you go Bubs." She said to herself. She needed to go grocery shopping today, get some food and set up her room, and hopefully the rest of her house. She got into her belongings and dug out an outfit.

Once she got dressed and presentable she make her way to her front door, slipping on her boots and jacket, "I'll be home later Bubba, guard the house for me while i'm out." She sighed, locking the door behind her as she left, she took in a breath of fresh air, looking around at the fresh snow that layered the ground, she smiled to herself as her gaze passed over fresh footprints in the snow. Ahh, this was calming, the bright rays of the su- wait a minuet. Footprints..? 

She tensed, looking back at them, "Wh.." Her voice caught in her throat as she walked closer to examine them, they led up to her living room window... They were big, they had to be a mans..

Someone was watching her last night..

She covered her mouth, backing away slowly, she stumbled to her car, she unlocked it and got in, fumbling with the keys for a second before sticking the car key in and starting the car

She made her way to the only place logical, the police station. She knew she didn't have any video evidence, and the tracks would've been covered in fresh snowfall by the time she'd get to the station, but maybe she could get some sort of extra protection.

Finally arriving, with no help from the slick roads, she parked the car and began speed walking up to the station, being welcomed by the distinct smell of fresh pine.

Time skip bc I'm to lazy to write that out

"Well that was a fucking waste." She muttered under her breath, as she pulled up to her house "24 fucking hours of 'Authority surveillance' in my area." She grumbled.

Once she had parked her car she got out and made her way to her front door, sticking the keys in, turning them as she seethed under her breath "Lazy ass authorities." She sighed, deciding against going out today, she could survive without anything in her body for a little, she wasn't starving anyway..

After hours of unpacking, and a quite relaxing break of watching the delicate snow flakes fall, her nerves were finally calmed, she'd be okay, she had extra protection, and hell, the person who had been watching her never harmed her, so, maybe, she'd come out of this alive.

She smiled, content, she'd spent all day setting up her room, the sun was now setting as she slipped on a light jacket, a small walk around the neighborhood sounded nice, and besides, she was now, very much starving.

She went outside, looking up at the sunset, it was gorgeous, rays of orange, yellow, and pastel red illuminated the clouds and sky, the sky looked almost like cotton candy, swirls of pinks, purples and baby blues tainted the fluffy clouds, the sky fading from the orange, to light red, to pink, all the way to a beautiful deep blue that stretched the opposite direction, to the horizon. The stars becoming more visible as they sparkled and danced in the crisp winters evening, it was truly a breathtaking sight, to her at least.

She took in a breath of the cold air, she'd always loved the cold weather, even though she might not act like it all of the time.

She began to walk down the sidewalk, humming to herself.

She'd been walking for a while, about 30 minutes estimate as the sun had set and the moon was now in clear view, it was now dark and the street lights had turned on, faintly illuminating the sidewalks in an orange tinge.

She passed by a few houses with their lights still on, but most of them were dark, she found herself confused as to why most everyone had already gone to bed, she eventually chalked it up to the fact that winter weather made some people sleepy and sluggish.

She continued her walk, a feeling of dread slowly creeping up and gnawing in the back of her head, she felt off, as if, she were being watched..or followed.

She frantically looked around with her eyes, keeping her head faced ahead as to not seem suspicious if someone were watching her.

She picked up her pace by a little, her heart dropped when she heard very faint, footsteps on the other side of the street just a little behind her. They moved with her pace, seeming to keep up with her.

Her pupils shrunk as she became on edge, goosebumps forming on her arms.

She panicked, not knowing what to do.

What was gunna happen to her?? Her mind immediately rushed to the worst of thoughts, would she get kidnapped? Murdered? Raped??

Or she could just be overreacting, maybe, it was just someone else on a walk!

She slowed back down. 'Yeah! That's it!' she thought to herself 'Its just someone else on a walk!! Quit overreacting y/n!' she lied to herself as the footsteps slowed down with hers

Gathering all of her courage she stopped and whipped around.

Nothing..? There was nothing there, just a normal sidewalk covered in melted snow, minus a few bushes.

She sighed in relief, slowly turning back around and continuing on.

He shrunk back, afraid she would see him as he watched her, it was her..

"Y/N" he whispered to himself, you looked so beautiful under the streetlights, they illuminated your features so perfectly, god you were so gorgeous to him. He felt like his heart practically skipped a beat as he admired you, he sighed, it was true, he still did love you, how could he not? You were perfect, you had practically saved him in childhood, you were his hero.

He had to get back in touch with you, not just stalk you, he had to actually talk to you, maybe he'd let you know it was him, you had to remember him, you could both hang out as you used to when you were younger. It would be perfect. He'll just have to think of a way to make it happen, he couldn't just show up at your door, that would be weird.

He got up when he knew you were gone, making his way back to his van as he sat in the driver's seat for a moment, reminiscing on all of the memories he had with you.

Eventually he'd leave and head back to that god forsaken factory of his to deal with those children he'd call 'brats'.

Once everything had been done, he'd actually have time to himself in his own home.

He found himself thinking about you as he rinsed his mouth out, looking back up and coming face to face with his reflection "God Rod, you're an idiot..." he muttered to himself as he chuckled.

He laid in bed, the room dark as he stared up at the ceiling, again still thinking of you.

'God, I can't wait to have her back in my life..'

He then turned to his side, at least trying to get some sleep, eventually nodding off.

There's another my little bitches.

And remember. There is no god. Only Bubba.

【WINTER WONDERLAND】Rod Sullivan x FEM ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang