Chapter 5

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Y/N stepped outside, today she planned on actually going into town and getting groceries. 

She pulled up into the parking lot of the old diner, even after all this time, it was still open, granted it had gotten renovated.

She got out of her car, making her way to the front and walking in, her presence greeted by the tingle of a bell at the top of the glass door, "Hi! Welcome in, take a seat anywhere you'd like and i'll be right with you." A feminine voice said from behind the counter. She sat at one of the booths, fumbling with her fingers as she looked around, her posture straightening when the waitress came up.

"Alrighy, can I start you off with a drink?" She asked. "Oh, just a hot tea please." She smiled, the waitress nodded with a smile, jotting down her drink of choice on her notepad before walking away to go get her tea. 

y/n sighed, resting her head on her hand as she looked out the window, watching as the morning began, kids riding their bikes and walking down the streets to school, she hummed, remembering when she was a child, she had a few friends, but mainly just Rod. 

Her attention switched to the door when the bell rung again, a man walked in, her breath hitched as she stared at the man, he had dark hair, pale skin, dark brown eyes, and he looked severely tired and disheveled, he wasn't skinny, nor fat, a dad bod actually. He was pretty good looking though, to her. As much as she wanted to, she couldn't look away, he just seemed too- familiar, safe almost, like she felt drawn to him, the familiar aura he gave off felt comforting in a sense, like someone she used to know.

She tensed when he looked around, making eye contact with the man, ripping her gaze away from him she stared down at the table in front of her, fumbling with her hands awkwardly.

Eventually her tea came out, she thanked the waitress when she got it, she kept her gaze outside, sipping her tea occasionally while watching the outside life, the vehicles passing by and the people that came and went. Once she was finished she got up to go pay.

"Oh, don't worry about it, that man over there paid for your order already!" The waitress smiled and motioned over to the very man she had been staring at, when she looked over he was already looking at her, he gave a small wave before going back to what he was doing. 

She blinked in confusion, "Oh- Well, thank you." She turned back to look at her, nodding in thanks at the waitress before hesitating, walking over to the man.

"I'm sorry sir, but, do I know you?" She asked, tilting her head.

He laughed, "Well i'd hope so. Because if you don't you either have a horrible memory or you were so embarrassed by yesterday's encounter that you've just forgotten all about it." He said, raising his coffee cup up to take a sip.

Ohhh! So this was Rod! This gave her a chance to strike up an actual conversation, "Well- Mr. Sullivan, do you mind if I take a seat? Unless of course, if you're too busy." She asked. "Not at all, go ahead doll." He assured.

She nodded and slid into the seat on the other side of the table, "Soo, may I ask why you paid for my drink?" She asked, cocking a brow in question. 

"Well, consider it a little welcome back gift." He smiled at her.

"That's extremely kind of you, but you didn't have to! I feel bad!" She exclaimed

"Don't worry about it, I wanted to." He responded, sipping on his coffee more.

She bit her lip, hesitating, if this were Rod, she wouldn't even know, she just had to ask, she has to know if this was her best friend or not, she kept quiet before speaking up. "You mentioned you lived here all your life right?" She asked.

"Just about, yep. know this place like the back of my hand." He confirmed, "Why do you ask?"

"Well- It's just that- I had this childhood friend here, his name was also Rod, and you just remind me of him so much- Sooo- I Dunno, I was wondering.." She stumbled over her words, trailing off

"And you said your name wasss?" He asked

"Y/n, Y/n L/n." She smiled sheepishly as she gave him her name.

"Welll, i'm so sorry to disappoint dear but.." He trailed off.

"Oh-" She whispered, her face heating up in embarrassment as she looked away, she sighed in disappointment, she'd really hoped it was him.. "Well I'm sorry to incon-" She started before being interrupted

He held his hand up to catch her attention before continuing, "I'm sorry to disappoint, but yes, that'd be me. I know, i'm not all that great now, am I?" He laughed

She blinked, looking up at him now, "Wait so- you're Rod- like- the Rod- my Rod-?" She asked for clarification 

He tensed a bit at her calling him 'hers', he quickly regained his posture, "Unless there's any other guys by the name of Rod I don't know about." He shrugged

She stayed silent for a moment before she broke out into a huge smile, trying to contain herself before she made a huge scene, she giggled to herself, happy she finally met someone she knew, "So how have you been? What's happened while i've been gone??" She asked, now invested in catching up with her childhood friend.

"Well- Not much really." He shrugged, "What do you want to know?" He asked

"Everything." She grinned, making him chuckle

"Wellll- let's see...Okay, well, nothing too interesting happened for a while after you left." He shrugged, "I did end up dropping out of school to work though, I had a few jobs, I was too busy for school." He sighed.

"Ahh, and what about your job now?" She asked

"Well- after my father passed away, his business went to me.." He sighed, "So I took it." He shrugged it off.

"Oh yeah..I remember hearing about his accident.. that's horrible. I'm so sorry.." She whispered.

"Its fine, Its in the past, no need to worry about it, besides i'm doing great now!" He assured.

"Well thats good.." She smiled, glad that he was okay, "I'm glad to know you're okay."

"Thank you y/n, That means a lot." He smiled

"Of course!" She smiled back before noticing the time, "Well- I gotta get going, I have to go shopping today. I'll see you later though, Thank you again." She got up.

"Of course, anytime." He waved at her as she left, smiling to himself, happy he got her back.

Y/N let out an exasperated sigh, collapsing onto her couch, she had finally gotten all her shopping done and everything put away, She just had to put up the pictures and other small things in her room and she'd finally be completely done, the place looked perfect after she'd spent the last two days cleaning it and touching it up. She got up and went to her room, opening up the box with her room decor in it, taking the things out and placing them in their designated areas.

Once she was done with that she grabbed the very last thing she needed, smiling as she sat it on her nightstand, the polaroid picture of her and Rod together.

She collapsed onto her bed with a tired sigh, getting up and changing into something comfortable, crawling back into bed, turning off her lamp and falling alseep, Bubba at her side.


Anyway, bye bye :)

【WINTER WONDERLAND】Rod Sullivan x FEM ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now