Chapter 2

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  Y/N groaned, waking up to the sound of her alarm and a wet sandpaper toung licking her nose. She smiled a bit and pet Bubba on the head, reaching her idol arm out to switch the annoying repetitive high pitched beep from her alarm off.

She then turned her lamp on, sitting up and moving her furry companion onto her lap. "Good morning Bunny" She pet him. "You hungry?" She asked. "Meow!" He got up and jumped off the bed.

She chuckled and moved her covers off, her feet hitting the cold hard wood. She shivered, sighing in regret from wearing nothing but an oversized shirt and shorts to bed, not the best idea, considering it was the middle of December. But hey, she liked being a lazy adult.

She slipped on a pair of sweats and socks, openinh her door for Bubba, letting him run out and down the stairs, meowing all the way.

Y/N walked downstairs and into the kitchen, grabbing Bubba's food bowl and getting the cat food, scooping some in, she set it down for him to eat.

She got out a coffee filter, placing it in the coffee machine, filling it with water and taking down the coffee grains. She scooped some out and put it in the machine, starting it

She walked back upstairs and got ready for the day, brushing her hair, teeth, getting dressed, washing her face ECT. Once she was finished she walked back into the kitchen, getting a mug out and pouring the coffee into it.

She walked into her living room, turning on the television. She sat down and watched the news, she didn't have work today, and she was going to start packing later in the afternoon, one of her co-workers offered to help. Since she had finally saved enough money to move, and she wanted to get out of this sh!tty place asap.

It's not that she didn't like it here, it's just that it made her feel lonely, she had a few friends, mainly co-workers, but she never had anyone to look forward to seeing. Besides, she missed her hometown, and there were a lot of good people she knew that she had left when she moved. She had no real reason to move, but she just wanted to, though she couldn't deny, part of her hoped- ached to see her old friend..

She sipped her coffee, Bubba jumped up on the couch with her and curled up beside her. Nothing to interesting had happened from what the news reporters were saying, the only really interesting thing was some kid getting stuck in a tree overnight. The kids here were next level crack addicts, at least, they acted like it.

After about 20 minuets of that, she finished her coffee and walked back into the kitchen, she made herself breakfast and ate.

Nothing to exciting happened after that, she mainly just read a book or stole an occasional glance at the TV some more to pass the time. It hit noon and she decided to start packing early. She planned in her head, setting up a date, she was going to move in only a couple days.

She kept this information somewhat to herself. Mainly because of the fact that she didn't really know many people here, only her boss and a few co-workers, she had been a little closer with one of them, her name was Beth.

Beth was a girly-girl, she had curly brown hair, blue-grey eyes, and she always had her nails done, though, Y/N had to give it to her, she knew how to do a killer eyeliner look.

Beth wouldn't be over until about an hour, so she had some time to get boxes and packing tape out, she labeled the boxes and began making lunch for the both of them. She didn't know if Beth had eaten or not yet, but it was better safe then sorry.

                        (Time skip)

Y/N stood up as she heard the knocking on her door, walking over she opened the door.

【WINTER WONDERLAND】Rod Sullivan x FEM ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now