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Hello, I apologize for not updating for 11 days, I am currently recovering from being sick and am still working hard for school, so I have a lot going on, so I may not publish as frequently as I would like to. I hope that you're all having a wonderful day/night.

Pronouns - Any/All: Preferred/leaning towards (as of right now) ; None, aka just refer to me as author or by my nickname.

Gender - Genderfluid: Nonbinary?? I guess?

Advice/Paragraph session - If you're in a relationship and it is controlling, it is not right. I say this from having a ex best friend who was forced away from me after me and his ex fought after around their 5th breakup because his ex was being incredibly mean and immature towards not only me but him as well, and some of our friends so I retaliated against during their breakup moment. She was controlling and being in that kind of relationship is not healthy. So, I do hope that none of the readers are in this kind of relationship.

There is more context/story behind that situation but overall, don't enter a relationship like that. It's incredibly horrible and please, don't force yourself to stay with them.

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