The Chain

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"To understand what I'm about to tell you, you need to do something first. You need to believe in the impossible. Can you do that? Good. Because all of us, we've forgotten what miracles look like. Maybe because they haven't made much of an appearance lately. Our lives have become ordinary."

"But there is someone out there who is truly extraordinary. I don't know where you came from. I don't know your name. But I have seen you do the impossible to protect the city I love." She continued her blog.

"So for those of us who believe in you, and what you're doing, I just wanna say: Thank you." She finished, dramatically pressing the enter-key on her laptop and closing it shut.

Ever since the new heroine had showed up just mere weeks after the particle accelerator explosion, news channels have had mixed opinions about her. Thus, one day, Iris decided to publish online blogs about the savior that are more hopeful, creating a true image of the hero she really is.

Iris sighed in contentment whilst leaning back against her chair. But a second later, she was at the top of Central City Jitters, she was sped so fast that she needed to compose her breathing.

She turned to see Central and now-Metropolis' favorite heroine of the night, the face of hers partially shrouded by the shadow but enough to mask her identity, "How did you--? I literally just hit send." She breathed heavily in chuckles.

"Uh... super-reading." The Blur had to think first for her ability as Iris then laughed, "Thank you." Her voice was tuned deeper, more commanding and not the bubbly real one she uses as Kara.

"For what? People only needed to know that you exist." Iris' cellphone buzzed, she pulled it out to see Eddie Thawne calling her, the same blonde policeman that caught Felicity's mugger. He and Iris had been seeing each other for a couple while now and somehow they've become very close. Though right now, Iris knew that she had to not pick it up, she couldn't miss this opportunity of interviewing The Blur. So she closed her phone.

"For instilling hope in people's heart. My sudden appearance was born out of grief from... someone close and to see something so dark make people feel hopeful... is a nice change." The Blur appreciatively smiled to Iris, "He would be really happy if he was here... so again, thank you."

"You're doing all the work." Iris responded with humbleness.

"But you're doing it while in college." Her tone filled with surprise, which was ironic because she too was still in college but already saving lives on her own, "Well, anyways, gotta' head back to Metropolis."

"Oh yes, wait! Why Metropolis all of the sud-" Kara already sped off into the distance, "-den...?" Leaving Iris unanswered after moving her back into previously-mentioned jitters.


Joe never had it in him to look away for just a second. He had been into his detective work, rummaging through folders and documents for as long as his body could withstand because he didn't want to remind himself of Barry, his son. He barely comes home, rarely talks with Iris and he doesn't know what had been happening for the last 4 months. He, of course, knew that he had to go out soon. Whether that is because of his own will or chosen to by his commanding officer, Captain Singh.

"West!" Joe heard his captain call his name, he awoke from practically a slumber after nearly face-planting on his paper-filled desk, "What is all this?" Singh referred to the overwhelmingly full station.

Joe looked around for a second to understand, "Oh, witnesses from the robbery at Gold City Bank. Perp made off with 200 grand more or less." He slurred his words.

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