Chapter 6

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Back At Home

I wake up and start my day trying to have some time to myself before the boys wake up it's definitely so hard to get them ready all by myself so I come home to put them to sleep and then give them breakfast and then spend the day at the family house because taking care of 3 boys all day is so difficult and I miss my husband and the boys kind of notice he's gone especially Tommy so I try to keep them occupied with the family all day and then sleep

I finish cooking breakfast and finish eating then the baby monitor goes off indicating the boys are up

I go upstairs and pick them up the twins are awake while Tommy is still sleeping so I take the opportunity to get them dressed and downstairs to come back and get Tommy

When I get them down I start to give them their food and have the maid watch them while I go get Tommy when I reach the room he's sitting up

"mama" he says in baby talk

"Yeah hi baby boy mommy's here good morning" I say kissing his Cheek

I get Tommy dressed and head downstairs with him to then get him feed I can't believe he will 1 in month a week before Leila and Lilo wedding what a busy month it'll be on top of running business for Finn

Its 1:00pm by the time I finally get the boys myself fed and dressed and now I'm finally driving to the parentals

When I get out I see Alice and Samantha outside sitting on the stairs when they see the car pull up  they start walking over and I wave when I get out

"Hey girls why are you outside" I say while they each come help me grab one of the boys.

"Well it's pretty boring in there and we were waiting to see you because some information you need to see is on the desk in the office" Alice says

"Okay I guess no breaks for me. Where are my sisters and the parents? " I question

"Your sisters are still sleeping and they are inside waiting for you" Alice says

"They're sleeping at 1:00pm that's weird I'll check on them after I go to the office" and I pass Owen to Sam

"I'll take the twins to the play pens" Samantha says

"Sam are you okay because you look sad or hurt" I tell her

"I'm good Elise thanks for asking" she fake smiles and takes the twins upstairs

"Alice what's going on with her"
I ask

"You know parker but she doesn't want to talk about it but we all know it's that and I'm not close to Parker so it's hard to talk to him to open up" she says

"I'll talk to them both today but let me check in the office" I say

"Elise baby mommy has missed you come give me a hug and where are my boys?" my yells

"Hi mom I'm good and the boys are in the playpen how are you guys" I ask while she squishes me in a hug

"I'm good you know there's things for you jn the office how are you holding up" she ask

"I'm good fine juggling to the boys and business isn't easy but I'm doing it lemme go check what's up" I say and walk up upstairs

And see my dad and around in the there and a few of the main guards I take a seats

"Hello Donna we have some information for you" the guard says

"Hello Everyone let's start what's going on" I ask

"There's been some movement where you and Ms Lilo were captured by Calvin and Roman" he says

"Explain how that is possible when everyone responsible for that is dead" I say

"When we rescued you the Don paid all the people who lived close to spy for him or they could rather die well according to some of them they've either had people come to their house and ask questions or they are fishing looking at the location" he explained

"Have they said what questions they've been asked" I ask

"Yes there's been a various few
-If Calvin or Roman still live here,
-Where is there new location?
-Have they witnessed anything strange how long have they been gone?
- if Sayo ever lived there
Or has she escaped?
- and were they any babies here?
And lastly
-If you and Lilo were saved and were you actually pregnant"

"So they're fishing for information of the past and our family why? This must be coming from Japan they are the only ones who would've known this happened since sayo was sent there to die" I say

"So what is the plan donna?" One of guards ask

"I want you to find the people questioning and bring them here all of them I don't want any of them escaping got it" I say

"Yes Donna we will start now" he says and exists the room

"Honey if this is because of Japanese Don shouldn't you talk to Finn" arnold ask

"I would but he hasn't called he's keeping quiet and not talking to me" I say

"And why would he do that" mama ask

"I have no idea Hero calls Leila to check on her and each time I ask for Finn dumbass he's busy or not there which is a lie of course" I say

"Finn loves you Elise it must be for your protection you are the key to all their answers and he knows that so he's being smart" Louisa says

"Ahh so that answers my question you all have spoken to him too all I know is he better be flying in for his son birthday and better not be cheating because I'll kill him and it's a promise" I say angered

"Elise he would never and you know that stay strong you are his Queen okay" dad and arnold say

"Yeah okay, quick question did Lilo and Leila party last night or did you guys" I ask

"No we all went to bed super early on the contrary" mom tells me

"Ah okay thanks I'm gonna check on them" I say

"Why are they okay" dad ask me

"Yeah daddy their good just checking okay" I say not worry him

I walk out of the office and Im on my way to their room

I walk out of the office and Im on my way to their room

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