Chapter 24

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We're about to land In Japan and my phone goes out and it's Leila this is when I'm like fuck this jet for having wifi so I know I have to answer because my phone will not stop blowing up

"Hello" I say over FaceTime and see not one but both sisters

"Hello" I say over FaceTime and see not one but both sisters

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"Hi girls" I say smiling

"Gurl wipe that smile off your face why the did we just get home" Lilo starts

"And guess what you're no where to be found" Leila finishes

"And don't try to lie because all 3 of your kids right here" Lilo turns the camera on the babies, and I smile I miss them already

"Okay I'm on the way to Japan" i say

"Girl what to the place your husband asked you not to go too does Finn know" Leila asked

"He'll know when I get there tonight at the event" I say

"What made you decide this?" Lilo asked

"So I was watching the Japanese event and then this ugly ass bitch litterally started shitting on me because she wants my man so she can say it to my face and then she'll find out who I really am" I say

"Girl I mean i don't blame you I'd do the same thing but your man won't be happy" Leila says

"He will get over it once I get there and I have some news for him anyways where's hero" I say

"He on his way to the Japan event should actually get there before you" Leila says

"Okay lei I beg you don't tell him anything because I know he won't keep it from Finn and can't with him being under boss" I say

"So I gotta lie to my husband fun I can try but he pushes more with everything since the pregnancy" she says

"Just try you too Lilo I mean i don't think he'd tell but I know finn he won't stop especially since I'm not answering his phone calls and short text" I say

"Well what are we supposed to say if he calls us" Lilo ask

"Well he won't call till he sees Hero because he thinks he is still on the honeymoon so he won't interrupt but if he does just say I'm sick so lying down but I'm good and he doesn't have to worry" I say

"We will try but we know that man is crazy when it comes to you and his kids" Lilo says

"Y'all truly a crazy matched made in heaven" Leila says

"Haha funny now please just help me I'll talk to you girls later love ya thanks again" and kiss the, boys for me" I say

"Yeah yeah we'll take care of things over here just be careful love you too" they both say and hang up

Finn POV

I wake up early because I can't sleep I haven't been able to be in contact with my wife and it has me edged and I'm so fucking sick of being here because that whore won't leave me the fuck alone I'm going to put a bullet through her head if tries shit again today

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